Environment Pollution Essay Sample

📌Category: Environment, Pollution
📌Words: 262
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Pollution is one of the greatest threats to our environment today. It clearly affects the quality of air, water and various elements of the environment that we need for our existence. The increasing impact of pollutants has made it clear that we are seeking new responses to pollution.

There are many methods we can use to curb environmental pollutants. Some of them are as simple as using a paper bag, others as complex as revising emission standards. Simple methods we can use in our everyday lives to reduce the impact of pollutants on the environment.

Plastic is the most widespread substance and poses a threat. It is the most commonly discovered pollutant in the environment. It comes in shapes and sizes and is found in our faculties and homes. When this plastic is discarded, it is scattered into the environment and remains there for decades. If we easily get the use of plastic right, we can go a long way in protecting the environment.

Power equipment is one of the major sources of air pollutants. These power plants use coal and other fossil fuels that release toxic smoke and gasses when burned. The more energy is needed, the more gas is burned in the power plants and the more dangerous gasses are released. What we can do is reduce the amount of energy we use, so that we can reduce the amount of energy we use and have less impact on the environment.

Some of the solutions to pollutants are simple and easy to do. All we need is the will to protect the environment from harm and the care to recognize the catastrophic results of pollutants within fifty to a hundred years.

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