Killing Animals for Fur Essay Example

📌Category: Animal rights, Fashion, Social Issues
📌Words: 303
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 July 2022

Killing animals for their fur is wrong, almost a billion animals get slaughtered every year for their fur. Many animal species have gone extinct as a result of our actions

Millions of animals get manipulated in fur factories and get killed in contracted, unsanitary places. The way they kill animals with gassing and head to tail electrocution, using electrocute foxes or raccoons either in their mouth or anus.

Killing many animals can affect the environment, it could lead to pollution, water contamination, and affect the food chain, and it drains the water supply because animal agriculture drains the world water supply. That is why we should end animal cruelty.

Companies make lots of money from slaughtering animals and selling their fur. Top companies like Louis Vuitton and Prada are two of the top companies that sell clothes with real animal fur. In 2021, they increased their prices for their products, and people still buy them but instead they should buy clothes with fake fur which would make a big difference.

People use animal fur for clothes to be warm, and if they stopped killing animals for fashion millions of people would lose their jobs. The solution is to use fake fur because people that had previous jobs with animal fur and fashion could have the same job but with fake fur. We have the science to make fake fur almost identical to real fur, so that means big brands like prada could also use fake fur.

In conclusion animals get killed in compact unsanitary places, and how they die either buy electrocution or gassing them. Killing too many animals can affect our environment, which could lead to a water shortage. Companies make lots of money from killing animals , and we know brands like Louis Vuitton have fur factories to kill them, then sell them. Our solution to animal cruelty is to buy fake fur , and thank stores that sell they clothes with fake fur, and support anti cruelty laws.

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