Violence Should Not Be Used In A Social Change

📌Category: Social Issues, Violence
📌Words: 515
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 May 2021

Using violence during a social change has always been in debate through the years. Usually when things get out of hand many or some individuals choose violence.  They choose violence because of some topic, choice or issue they see that they don’t agree with .There are different ways to make a change then to use violence. Violence only creates more violence, if violence is used then it will make it harder for there to be a change and it will be farther and farther away for there to be a change. 

Individuals choose violence but it should not be necessary to make a social change. Stated in Source B, “Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, ….hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that” (Source B). This quote implies that if a person uses violence it will create more violence and increase more hate amongst them. There has to be a peaceful assembly for there to be a change.  As shown in Source A, “Such time, place and manner restrictions can take the form of requirements to obtain a permit for an assembly” (Source A). In order to have a permit for an assembly there has to be manner restrictions. If there are not manner restrictions, violence is going to be used during the assembly. The first amendment is there to protect the right to be a peaceful public assembly.

There is a difference between an action or actions and violence. Martin Luther King said in Source D “There's a great deal or difference between non-resistance to evil and nonviolent resistance non-resistance” (Source D). Martin Luther King said that there is a difference between non-resistance and non resistance to evil. Meaning non-resistance to evil non-resistance is different. Non-resistance is to refuse to use violence even if it is defending against violence. In Source D Martin Luther King also says “Killing is a very tragic way to deal with any social problem there is no violent solution to the problem” (Source D). Martin Luther King disagrees that using violence is wrong to use during a social change and should not be justified. Martin Luther King uses these references to determine to not use violence or “killing”.

Some individuals use violence and intend to hurt someone else because of what actions they took. Source C states,”Whether or not violence is the answer depends on the question being asked” (Source C). Whether its a political view or problems a person has it depends whether to use violence against someone. But violence only creates more violence. It will only leat to hatred and wrongdoing. Source B states “Love and nonviolence are all more powerful, Especially in a democracy, nonviolent principles do not enable evil or violence” (Source B). This quote states that nonviolence is stronger and nonviolence doesn't bring out any harm to anyone. Violence should not be a form or making a social change. 

Violence should not be used in a social change. Violence only creates more violence, it only leads to more complex problems and it will go nowhere. Returning violence will result in there being less of a social change. Hatred should not be used in any form and should first talk about the situations and not bring violence as the answer. Ourselves as humans should first think about our actions before acting out with violence.

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