Essay Sample on Racial Equality

📌Category: Racism, Social Issues
📌Words: 610
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 August 2022

Racial inequality, the bitter, rusty flaw that has been a part of most nations' history, is a controversial practice that ruined many countries such as Sparta, Athens, and Rome. In fact, this rot is a problem in the contemporary world, in the form of some people not getting all of their rights. Many people throughout history have attempted to achieve the perfect balance between having and not having racial equality, but their attempts have led to nothing since this compromise is hard to reach. One man, though, Martin Luther King, a wise activist who fought for everyone to have freedom in the USA, achieved this balance; his solution demanded that racial equality be equal for everyone. This solution is the most adequate balance between having and not having racial equality since it is not biased towards any side. For reference, other solutions, such as racism and slavery, are biased towards a certain side and tend to provide them with more influence and advantages over others. Although there are many benefits to making racial equality absolutely equal for everyone, the most prominent benefit is that all races would be satisfied since they are being treated equally. Another benefit of racial equality is the fact that it gives rights to people who were previously oppressed, which goes to show that racial equality  is the adequate solution to having or not having racial equality since it gives everyone rights regardless of what race they are. In fact, racial equility’s benefits can be seen when it was used in the USA in the mid 20th century; black people were given their rights and slavery was largely stopped as a result of the civil rights movement, which was largely centered on racial equality. The reason that racial equality stopped slavery is because it gave slaves rights and freedoms that were previously not provided to them. As a result of this, slavery was largely stopped since everyone was given freedoms and rights and had equal influence. This shows that having racial equility is the perfect balance between having and not having racial equality since it ended slavery when it was released and it is not biased towards any side, like slavery. Racial equality should be equal for everyone since that allows people to receive an opportunity in life, adds diversity to a nation’s culture, and creates a more stable society.

Over the course of history, famous black African Americans, such as Langston Hughes, Martin Luther King, and Mohammed Ali, would not have been able to express their potential had racial inequality existed. This is due to the fact that, during racial inequality, black people were not given an opportunity in life in order to follow their dreams since the southern states of the USA assumed that they didn't deserve the freedom to do so. To clarify, the southern states assumed that black people were too useless to deserve an opportunity in life and often separated them from other races through a practice known as segregation. As a result of this, African Americans did not have the opportunity to pursue their potential since they were not given their basic needs to do so. On the other hand, with racial equality being absolutely the same for everyone, everyone would have an opportunity in life since they would be treated the exact same as everyone else. With these factors taken into consideration, it is proven that there should be racial equality since it gives everyone an opportunity to demonstrate their potential in life. Furthermore, with racial equality, people would be able to contribute more to society because they would no longer be limited from doing so. To clarify, people would be able to contribute more to society when there is social equality because they would have the freedom to express themselves and do what they want to do. By having racial equality, people would have more opportunities in life, which would allow them to express their potential and contribute to society.

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