Immigration in the United States Essay Example

📌Category: Immigration, Social Issues, United States, World
📌Words: 558
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 April 2021

Why is it so hard to look at people that aren't born in the US, and automatically think they don't have the right to live here? Should we let unknown strangers into our country, not knowing what harms they can cause; these questions with many more have been coming up as years go by. As these are very probable examinations, we ponder to realize the truth and the inhuman ways people treat illegals. Giving them chances to live their fullest potential in the “American dream” they so longful desire, can be so harmful to whom? We should let immigrants have some type of compensation for living in the US because of economic security, advantages in the economy, and mass deportation. 

Firstly, given the idea that immigrants would become legal, it would take years after that is completed. In those desperate years, immigrants are still hustling and working. Including paying taxes and other necessary products, they still manage to contribute to society. If they were granted citizenship faster it gives them more space to accomplish and come up with more ways to exceed society's money standards. As this article summarizes,“In another scenario where undocumented immigrants are granted legal status and citizenship after five years, the GDP would grow by $1.1 trillion, there would be an additional 159,000 jobs per year, and add $144 billion in tax revenue."(“Economic Security”) 

Correspondingly, Immigrants pay the same amount as anybody does. They support small businesses and local businesses. They supply food by standing outside for hours; trying to earn a living wage. They’re hard working people. The more people that come into the US, the more opportunities for small and large businesses to expand. We all productively buy things on a daily basis, so what makes foreigners so distinct when they're just trying to grow the economy? As this article infers, “That means there are more jobs building apartments, selling food, giving haircuts and dispatching the trucks that move those phones. Immigrants increase the size of the overall population, which means they increase the size of the economy.”(“Disadvantage American Workers”)

Furthermore, an expanding problem growing is mass deportation. This series of matter can scar, and leave an impact on families. This distraught moment can also cause an increase in enforcement. Concluding that we need more officials and overall more technical items. A recent and very crucial problem is that citizens and legal immigrants have been taken in custody because they were thought to be illigals. This process is overcoming for courts to handle, as it's overwhelming.  For instance,"Locating millions of immigrants for deportation would take a very dramatic increase in domestic surveillance and enforcement, including door-to-door roundups. Mistakes would inevitably be made, with legal immigrants and citizens swept up in the process. Courts that handle immigration cases would be overwhelmed.’’ (“Mass Deportation”)

In spite of that, the opposing side consistently argues that the US will have higher crimes. As Higher Crime informs, "75 percent of those on the most wanted criminals list in Los Angeles, Phoenix and Albuquerque are illegal aliens.” We can infer that that is a significantly higher percentage. Although that is high, throughout the years that percentage has crucially dropped. Higher Crime informs,“During the same period, FBI data indicate that the violent crime rate declined 48 percent—which included falling rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape, and murder.”

We should consider the truth and advantages into letting these hard workers into the US because of economic security, advantages in the economy, and mass deportation. In depth in our brain we are sympathized to be generous towards people. This might as well be compiled to immigrants. Immigrants are just as hardworking as anyone else. 

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