Problem and Solution to Drunk Driving Essay Sample

📌Category: Social Issues
📌Words: 599
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 July 2022

Drunk driving is never acceptable and never should be acceptable. No matter how much or how little alcohol one has consumed, there should never be an intoxicated person behind the wheel. The threat of severe penalties should steer people away from getting behind the wheel after drinking. There could be many life threatening consequences to these actions and could potentially result in the loss of someone's life. The best solution to this problem is to create more boundaries and rules. This could potentially limit the amount of drunk drivers and help keep everyone safe. 

There are many ways that could potentially lower the amount of drunk drivers on the road. Adding stricter laws could potentially help this problem. According to The Citizen´s article, it states,¨It is now legal for police to carry out random stops anywhere, anytime, with no grounds to suggest the driver is impaired.¨, This new type of safety measure could really help lower the number of drunk drivers. This could definitely keep people more alert and more aware that they could be stopped anytime so they would hopefully stop before getting behind the wheel. On the other hand, this could potentially do lots of harm to the bars and restaurants that rely on alcohol for their business. Jackson Shedelbower states, ¨Everyone agrees that heavy drinking is dangerous and should be discouraged. However, attempting to accomplish that goal by demonizing alcohol in general and those who consume it moderately is not the solution.¨ 

Drunk driving is very dangerous. It can result in many injuries and put lots of people in danger. Alcohol is not the reason for drunk driving, the people consuming it are thinking that it is okay to drive when in reality it puts themselves and many others in harm. One possible solution would be to lower the amount of alcohol one can consume before getting behind the wheel. Christian Science Monitor writes, ¨Alcohol-impaired drivers in the United states cause more than 10,000 road deaths each year- about a third of all traffic deaths. Nearly 40 percent of the victims are people other than the drunk drivers themselves¨ Keeping people from drinking completely or from getting a drink at all is not the solution. There are safer ways to consume alcohol and many ways to avoid getting behind the wheel so that a drink or two could still be had. Two ways that could help this issue tremendously are either calling an uber or even calling a friend or family member to come pick up. Lowering the limit of alcohol consumption will still not keep people from getting behind the wheel while drunk. Jackson Shedelbower states,¨The real problem lies with high blood alcohol content and repeat offenders who are responsible for the vast majority of alcohol-related traffic fatalities. The average blood alcohol content of a drunken driver involved in a fatal crash is 0.18¨. This quote makes a really good point stating that the problem lies deeper than the laws and that even the law cannot keep from accidents. According to Washington Post Companies, ¨Instead, we should target criminals with ignition interlock device mandates for all repeat and high blood alcohol offenders, increased state level interlock enforcement and more comprehensive sobriety programs¨. This type of help and type of device is what is desperately needed to take on the measures of drunk driving. If every car could have an ignition interlock device it could keep people from getting behind the wheel. Sobriety programs could also help tremendously with alcoholics. 

In conclusion there are many ways that could help lower the number of drunk drivers. Although there will never be a way to completely end drunk driving in general. More rules and boundaries is a great way to fix this problem because drunk driving will never be acceptable and safe. This is a serious issue in today's world and is something at needs to be put to an end.

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