The Tragic Event Of The Holocaust

📌Category: Antisemitism, Nazi Germany, Social Issues, War
📌Words: 1020
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 29 April 2021

“There's a long road of suffering ahead of you. But don't lose courage. You've already escaped the gravest danger: selection. So now, muster your strength, and don't lose heart. We shall all see the day of liberation. Have faith in life. Above all else, have faith. Drive out despair, and you will keep death away from yourselves. Hell is not for eternity. And now, a prayer - or rather, a piece of advice: let there be comradeship among you. We are all brothers, and we are all suffering the same fate. The same smoke floats over all our heads. Help one another. It is the only way to survive.”

― Elie Wiesel, Night. The Holocaust was known as a time of racism, violence, and discrimination, where many humans, especially Jews, were killed. It started back in 1941 when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party decided that it was time for the Jews to get out of Germany. Hitler wanted to have millions of people to help him do such a thing. He created an army to help take out all of the Jews. In the time of the Holocaust, the Nazis used a lot of Propaganda to win support for Hitler. For example, some of the propaganda included The German Boy, The German Girl, and many more. The Nazis were looking to create as big of an army as possible. The reasoning for the propaganda was to have people agree with Hitler so that they could end up killing all the Jews. The Nazis also wanted to use the Jews as slaves to make multiple bombs and German weapons for the German Army. Hitler was the main leader for The Holocaust and created the idea for it. He was born in Austria but he was very close to the German Empire growing up. He was introduced to antisemitism. (The act of being against Jewish People). So that is mostly the reason why he hated Jewish people so much. Fortunately, antisemitism is very rare today in life but it still exists.

The Holocaust was known as a time of racism, violence, and discrimination, where many humans, especially Jews, were killed. Adolf Hitler hated the Jews and he wanted other people to hate them too. So he used lots of propaganda. So that people could hate Jews as much as he did. He wanted to win the support of millions of Germans so they could get rid of the Jews forever. “Nazi propaganda often portrayed Jews as engaged in a conspiracy to provoke war.” (Nazi Propaganda) The Nazis often made the Jews in books and magazines look horrific, scary, and ugly. So that kids of young age could look at the Jews in magazines and be disgusted. The reason for this act was that so he could create a big army around himself. The German boy was for young male teenagers that wanted to be a soldier. The German boy tried to influence teenage boys into being a soldier for Hitler. On multiple occasions, the magazine showed the type of soldier that they didn’t want (The German Boy January 1937). They had a similar thing for teenage girls, they were trying to influence the teenage girls of Germany to be a housewife. They tried to make them support their future husbands/soldiers and work around the house. They wanted to establish roles for the people in Germany and make sure that they can win the war. 

During the Holocaust, many people were stereotyped as horrible people and were called the alien race (Defining the Enemy: The Excluded). Jews were treated like wild animals. Nazis thought they were just horrible. The Nazis were going to try to make the Jews look horrible and the Nazis look amazing. They even put the jews looking bad in the monthly magazine (German Boy June 1942). The German boy was a magazine for young teenage boys about how to be a great soldier. it was published from 1935 to 1944. They had the same thing for girls. They taught the girl how to clean, cook, and how to treat her husband when they got home. They were used to influence young children’s beliefs. In the time of The Holocaust, they made books about Jews that made them look bad so that they could influence kids to hate Jews. An example is, Der Giftpilz. They made the Jews in the book ugly because they wanted Jews to be hated and become scary for kids in Germany. The Nazis wanted to make sure that in the country no one wanted to be a Jew. He wanted a Christian country so that they could all be the same. So what the Nazis did is they sent the jews into harsh conditions, and they made them fight for their life. That’s how they killed them.

The Holocaust was the twentieth century's greatest tragedy that occurred due to Adolf Hitler's beliefs that others' beliefs shall be forgotten. During the Holocaust, the Jews were excluded from Germany and being “Normal.” Being excluded was based completely on looks, if you were German but looked like you were from Israel, you would still get sent away. But if you are Jewish but look German, then you would be safe (Defining the Enemy: The Excluded). Nazi propagandists contributed to the regime's policies by publicly identifying groups for the exclusion (Defining the Enemy: The Excluded). One important part of making a cohesive group is to define who is excluded from membership.

The Holocaust was known as a time of racism, violence, and discrimination. Many people were hated on and stereotyped by the Nazis and wanted them all dead. Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. He wanted to kill all of the Jews and get them out of Germany. Adolf Hitler limited the possibilities for kids to do their dreams. Hitler was the reason millions of innocent, bright, nice, harmless people were killed. Today there still is no clear answer of why Adolf Hitler did such a thing. They predict it was because of what he was taught when he was young but there is no answer. The Holocaust was Adolf Hitler’s plan to kill all of the Jews. He wanted all of the Jews dead. His belief was to hate others' beliefs. He destroyed Jew’s opportunity to live a fulfilled life. The Holocaust was a tragedy where 6 million innocent European Jews were killed for no reason. The Holocaust took out 2/3 of the Jewish population. The Holocaust took place in 1941 and ended in 1945. The Holocaust was one of the most gruesome acts in world history.

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