Disobedience and The Black Lives Matter Movement Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Racism, Social Issues, Social Movements
đź“ŚWords: 769
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 17 July 2022

Disobedience is a natural reaction to oppression. Even when we were little kids, disobedience had majorly impacted our lives. Whether refusing to eat our fruits and vegetables, to participating in protests, disobedience challenges societies’ predetermined beliefs and fuels the changing of our environment. Wilde’s idea of disobedience has been proven true for societal progress throughout the years. Through disobedience, systems of injustice have been taken down, and societal progress has been made, expressing its value as a crucial human trait.

The largest changes in societal progress have been made through disobedience. Whether it is peaceful protests or violent rebellions, disobedience has allowed huge change on a global level throughout all history. Several movements have been sparked through disobedience, including the American Revolution, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Known as history’s most impactful movement for social change, the American Revolution was born through the disobedience of the colonists and a refusal to follow Britain's rules. The organized protests of the Boston Tea Party and Stamp Act Riots enabled colonists to command Britain’s attention and show their hatred towards the newly passed laws, as they were taxed with no representation in the government. As the inequality established by the money-hungry Britain continued, it angered the colonies and led to their declaration of independence from the country and a declaration of war. This disobedience led to the birth of a new, democratic, nation that commanded world affairs for decades.

In more recent years, the Civil Rights Movement offers a glimpse into the world of peaceful disobedience for societal change. From the 1940s to the 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement dominated American lives. The goal of the movement was to end the discrimination and racial segregation against

African-Americans and to receive equal rights, as well as treatment. African-Americans refused to conform to society’s beliefs that people should be treated differently because of something so irrational as the color of their skin. Whether it was the inequality of the quality of schools or the restriction of voting in the polls, black people were deprived of basic human rights and the ability to live up to their full potential. Known as the more memorable protest of the movement, the Montgomery Bus Boycott was a refusal to ride the city buses in protest of the segregated seating, which led to the passing of laws such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964. With the law in full effect, African Americans were able to free themselves from the shackles of discrimination in the workplace and public places.

It is vital to recognize that constant disobedience is equally harmful to social progress as the absence of disobedience. Law and order are a necessity to protect human society. Laws are put in place to protect the citizens of a community and should be followed. Without structure, lawless societies would run rampant around the world and hinder the improvement of human society. Communities thrive with law and order in place. In addition, it should be noted that not all disobedience aids social progress. A modern-day example is an insurrection on Capitol Hill on January 6th, 2021. Not even a week into the new year, pro-Trump mobs storm on to Capital Hill in protest of the election results announced a couple of months earlier in November. The crowds of people rioted in the Capital in hopes of hindering members of Congress from confirming the votes that elected Joe Biden as 46th President of the United States. From public disturbance to breaking on federal property, the list of crimes committed is ongoing. This represents the consequences when disobedience is abused. However, when used to support reasons such as injustice or inequality, disobedience can become a symbol of progress. The Black Lives Matter Movement is one of the most impactful modern activist movements. BLM focuses on highlighting discrimination, racism, and injustices experienced by black people. The death of George Floyd is a prime example. After the killing of George Floyd, a black unarmed man who died at the knee of police officer Derek Chauvin, protests roared throughout the world in support of justice for Floyd. From his hometown of Minneapolis to across the globe in Paris, people lined streets to bring awareness to his tragic death and called for the system to do its job. By June 2020, Chauvin was sentenced to 22 years in prison for George Floyd's death. Civil disobedience aids in holding systems accountable for their action and ensuring that progress will be made with each day.

Disobedience is a vital trait that further aids social progress. Disobedience can facilitate change in our environment, but can also lead to violence and chaos if abused. Recognizing the need for disobedience when justified is necessary, but just as vital in understanding an excess amount is harmful to society and futile. Despite that, disobedience is the key to making an impact and changing society for the better. The human trait present in all of us, the urge to say no, is something that should never be diminished.

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