The Impact of Social Media on Adolescents Essay Sample

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 437
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 July 2022

The impact of social media on adolescents is undeniable. Such networks used as a full-fledged source of information and means for the development help teenagers to present themselves, which is very important at this age period. So, the topic of the influence of online social networks is very relevant these days when teens are using them much more than usual.

Intensive suicidal activity among children, adolescents, and young people is becoming a global trend, the development of which is due to various social aspects. Social media plays a key role among them. As the influence of the Internet increases and takes root in people's daily lives, the effect on their psychological and emotional wellbeing grows consequently. 

To promote and popularize suicidal ideas, more and more unusual methods of spreading the information among youth are used. For example, there are thematic communities and chats on some popular social media sites with publications containing the idealization or romanticization of suicide attempts and mental disorders. Besides, there is a growing trend towards an increase in the amount of content with information about suicide and death overall. Mass media also play a role in the dissemination of various materials on social networks to inform about growing problems, which can cause popularity among young people. The Internet not only reports cases of suicide, but also documents its methods in details.

However, speaking about the promotion of suicidal behavior on the Internet, it should be noted that these mechanisms are secondary causes of suicidal actions of children and adolescents, when the main issues are - difficulties in relationships with others, depression and other psychological problems, cyberbullying and even loneliness.

Cyberspace certainly has a positive impact on young people as well. As in real life, in the virtual one there is a full range of all kinds of communications and methods of socialization. Social networks provide teens not only with important information, but also give them the opportunity to distract themselves with the help of entertainment, such as watching videos, listening to our favorite music of different genres in any language, etc. Young people begin to take an interest in what they previously considered boring and unnecessary, they expand their horizons. The online world can help people get the emotional support and encouragement they need, give them the opportunity to fully express themselves and speak freely, and even find their closest friends in places they won’t expect.

In conclusion, people’s involvement in communities with suicidal content, a passion for publication of depressive statuses and images, open statements about the desire to commit suicidal actions on the pages of their accounts can be regarded as markers of the manifestation of suicidal and near-suicidal tendencies, which requires immediate attention of parents and teachers, both in the context of issues of psychological assistance, and in matters of competent organization and support of cybersocialization of children, as well as media safety.

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