John Q Movie Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 511
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 July 2022

A four percent of uninsured American citizens declare bankruptcy because of insufficient means to pay off medical debt. Watching the movie “John Q,” there were questions raised on how health insurance would’ve made this situation better and how the hospital responded to this. This movie illustrates the importance of health insurance, what insurance will cover, and how the rules can be bent in certain situations. 

Having health insurance is vital in protecting the patient from financial ruin when faced with an illness or accident. The immediacy of this situation puts a significant amount of stress and pressure on the patient and or the patient's guardians and loved ones. Not only does coinsurance take off some of the stress of payment, but it also gives the person paying something less to worry about in this situation. The emotions were very high and brought out the worst in the parents, which caused tension between them. As a consequence of the parent's tension, they became desperate, and John decided to take things into his own hands. Making the parents feel like they're on their own caused this situation to escalate and bring on something that could've been avoided. In other words, owning health insurance is a great way to look ahead and invest in the future. 

The hospital spoke to John about Micheal's transplant being covered without the help of insurance. The hospital claimed they bent over backward for John and did all they could and told John that he would need to change his insurance, but it would take about thirty days. Those thirty days are crucial for Micheal to survive and get the transplant he needs. John's insurance through his work changed without notifying him to a new plan where the insurance doesn't completely cover his family, which meant the transplant was not covered. Since John's insurance didn't cover the medical bill, John and his wife had to scrape together any money they could get to pay for the transplant. All things considered, knowing how much the insurance will cover before purchasing said insurance is a great way to make a well-informed decision. 

We all agree that the hospital could've done more to support John and give him more options to take care of his son. If I were to be CEO of that hospital, I would've worked out a payment plan to accommodate John's paycheck for his son to receive immediate medical care. However, John's insurance has unexpectedly changed, and his income is not bringing in much money to the house. Implying the payment plan would have to be lower than the average plan for John to pay additional everyday costs. This payment plan will relieve some of the stress that comes with financially providing medical care to family members and ensure Micheal has the same chance as anyone else in the hospital to receive medical treatment. Undoubtedly, the hospital should have the patient's best interest and health in mind. 

In conclusion, the hospital did not respond to this situation appropriately, and problems could’ve been avoided if John were to have the proper support. The importance of health insurance, what health insurance will cover, and how the rules can be bent in certain situations are all expressed in this movie. Given these points, everyone should have health insurance to protect themselves from financial, emotional, and physical ruins.

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