Below Deck: Mediterranean Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Shows
📌Words: 814
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 08 August 2022

The reality show “Below Deck: Mediterranean” is a way into seeing the world in the employees’ point of view, as in staying up late to answer the passenger’s beck and call also having to tidy up and wash up after them. In numerous ways the camera draws attention substantially to when the guests have their meals served being its one of the most engaged parts of the show and that the main characters, Katie and Michael have part in. The shot composition demonstrated very well the feelings and reactions the passengers and employees had expressed. By being a guest, you become spoiled and plenty of things you could do for yourself are done by the staff members. The employees and passengers of the yacht completely play two different roles. Therefore, by the show expressing and showing us these different ways to be more involved in the reality show pulls the audience in and makes the experience more interesting in our shoes. 

When filming reality shows the camera tends to draw plenty of scenes from when the guests have complaints, along with the staff when they have lots of chores and cleaning to be fulfilled. The camera crew of course likes the drama and wants to record the “hot stuff,” by showing the dramatic scenes pulls the audience in more and makes us want to keep watching further on. For instance, when one of the lady guests, Crystal says “I wanna know If the micro greens are beet related because I taste all kinds of beets over here. Pretty sure I put in on my reference sheet that I can’t stand beets” (Crystal, 34:21). Then Mathew the chef proceeds to make her a new dish and it gets chaotic and frantic in the kitchen when they find out its bull blood beets and a panic rises by reason of thinking Crystal is allergic. By the camera crew focusing so much attention on this one scene is because the guests are starting to get more demanding which is a huge drama part of the show. Having parts in reality shows with either its cheating, lying or straight up being rude obviously pulls the audience in and makes them intrigued and willing to watch more.

Everyone wants to see the emotion someone is feeling in any kind of interaction that they would perhaps be involved in. The shot composition in “Below Deck” gives us the emotion that regularly the employees show, which shows us the exhaustion or frustrated look on their faces and makes the scene more realistic in our minds as we watch. During the night when the guests advise Katie that they will be up late this evening, Katies reaction was professional and said, “That’s fine” (Katie,18:33). The night keeps going later and later, Katie is exhausted by cleaning up, making drinks and vacuuming. Many scenes zoom in on Katies facial expression while she is in the back washing dishes and yawning profusely. By the shot composition showing us how burned-out Katie is, also the other staff members give us the depth that these workers do for their passengers and take their needs before their own. 

The guests attain drinks delivered to them, meals prepared for them, their clothing washed and ironed by Courtney. Then in the other hand the employees must eat their meals fast and in-between chores they are doing, especially these staff members receive less breaks as in one of their own had a health concern and another had been recently let go. Already on the yacht it is insanely busy but losing most of your team is a whole other task. These poor employees are being worked to death and barely obtain a decent night’s rest. While in the other hand the passengers gain remarkable service and whatever is in their needs that would they desire.  The roles between are noticeably clear, the workers work and deliver, the guests relax and demand. 

As expressed, this television set indicates to us the emotional fatigue the employees must go through so their guests receive the trip they paid for and are treated as they should be. The glimpse looks the audience receives of the faces of the staff members give us that inner look on how drained out they are but still pushing through to give their guests a remarkable experience. Katie delivering and preparing food and snacks for the visitors without complaining about the time or the guests needs. Even though the yacht was running short staffed the passengers never would have known as in the employees were always on their feet going and accomplishing the demands. Being a “yachtie” is not a walk through the park kind of job its go, go, go. By having to serve, clean, set tables for meals, putting out the water equipment and having to manage the guests and make sure they are having an exciting time. In the end, becoming a staff member on a yacht has its benefits, the high number of tips plus free meals but you are dealing with ignorant rich people and the work ethic that is needed is high. Without having the drive and high work ethic there is no way anyone would be able to achieve and do what these employees have accomplished.

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