Cloning Should be Illegal Argumentative Essay Example

📌Category: Genetics, Science
📌Words: 1291
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 22 July 2022

Cloning is a crazy process that requires money and smartness. Cloning should be illegal in every country and state. I believe that cloning should be used for good use, but Cloning humans should never be allowed, no matter the circumstances. Cloning can be used to better the environment; maybe more food, some for cattle and What not? Cloning, on the other hand, is fraught with danger and has the potential to cause a slew of issues on the way, can cause birth defects, and the clone is not born at the same age. They are born. They would be newborns, and you would have to raise them and take care of them. It is more work, since they are genetically modified. 

Cloning is the process of creating a genetic replica of another cell, tissue, or organism. Then Copying material that has the same genetic makeup as the original is referred to as a clone. The most famous clone was a Scottish sheep named Dolly. Dolly, the first cloned sheep, appeared to be in good health at the time of her death, but the The cause of her death is unknown. Why should cloning be illegal? Cloning has a negative impact on some human ideals. Individuality raises fundamental questions about human nature, particularly in terms of Human cloning is not possible. It is effectively achieved based on present technology and scientific study, despite success in other animals, because there are multiple shortcomings whose solutions have yet to be developed. "We believe that research cloning should only proceed under strict control." "There is close scrutiny by the federal government over both the public and private sectors. (Master of Engineering, Berkeley, 2020)

If the technology was legal, it could be abused to allow eugenic selections with enhancement in human traits. The practice of cloning would not only violate a person’s But it would also "reduce diversity in the human gene pool" (Berkely Master Of Engineering 2020). Human beings should not be cloned for several reasons, which are going to be further As discussed in this op-ed: Cloning is a risky and imperfect procedure; it does not create An exact copy of an individual Finally, we cannot ignore the ethical and moral concerns. that exist around the topic of human cloning. 

Now let's talk about the process of cloning. The topic of cloning humans has It has raised a lot of controversy as well as scientific, ethical, and moral concerns. in the same way Because we can, does not mean that we should. Cloning humans could lead to serious There are violations of human rights as well as human dignity, and it is up to authorities, laws, and Green (1999) urged institutions to make sure to protect cloned individuals from being exploited (Green, 1999). There is the possibility of babies whose genes have been selected or altered, also known as "designer babies." Cloning may continue to be most useful in the field for which it was invented. It was developed to improve livestock breeding. "iPS (induced pluripotent stem) cells are By far, the biggest Inheritance from the cloning experiment, "iPSC research has quickly become the foundation for a new regenerative medicine. These cells are now used in research around the world. They are only now beginning to find applications. Therapy, first in macular degeneration. Eggan says that they’re so easy to use that even The college sophomores he teaches at Harvard can make them. " Using iPSC technology, Our faculty have reprogrammed skin cells into active motor neurons, egg and sperm precursors, Liver cells, bone precursors, and blood cells." Now that we know the process of cloning, let's talk about all the problems that occurs. 

The experimental procedures required to produce stem cells through nuclear Transplantation would consist of the transfer of a somatic cell nucleus from a patient into an enucleated egg. For some autoimmune diseases, transplantation of cells cloned from the The patient's own cells may be inappropriate in that these cells can be targets for the ongoing destructive process. Clones contain identical sets of genetic material in their nucleus. Every cell in their body has a compartment that contains all of their chromosomes.The laws vary in their In the definitions of cloning and in the penalties they set (which range as high as 10 years in prison), and a $10 million fine in Louisiana. The AAAS supports a legally binding prohibition on such efforts. It is possible to implant a human cloned embryo for reproductive purposes.The scientific evidence demonstrating the serious health risks associated with reproductive cloning, as demonstrated by This procedure, based on animal studies, renders it unconscionable.

Since 1997, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) has This engaged the public and various professional communities in a debate about the scientific and There are social challenges surrounding human cloning and stem cell research. "There are three different types of artificial cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning." (NHGRI, 2020) Therapeutic cloning is the process of creating embryonic stem cells for medical purposes. Researchers hope to use these cells to grow healthy tissue in the human body to replace injured or diseased tissues. This technology and the ongoing research to clone mammals (and thus humans) is at work in order to potentially cure certain diseases and give infertile couples the opportunity to have children.

Now let's get to the facts cloning should be illegal no doubt to be able to clone and Genetically modifiy DNA is obsurd think about what kind of technology we would have in about 20 years . The things that could happen with this type of technology could change the world. Maybe for the better or worse. Genetic engineering the facts the first animal that was ever genetically modified was created in 1973!. 1973 was along time to go and to already have that type of technology scares Me. Genetically engineered things are actually all around us . For example , Golden Rice and Corn The states that are banned from cloning .. There are currently 8 states (Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Michigan, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Virginia) that prohibit cloning for any purpose. There are 4 states (Arizona, Indiana, Louisiana, and Michigan) that expressly prohibit state funding of human cloning for any purpose. There are 50 states and only 8 of them ban cloning! That's nuts however there is some states that will not fund cloning organizations. Cloning once was opposed to getting banned but it never ended up happening. States have passed their own laws banning human cloning, but Congress never reached a consensus. In 2001, former President George W. Bush banned the use of government funds for most embryonic stem cell research, which was considered to apply to cloning as well.

Cloning is morally wrong because it oversteps the boundaries of humans' role in scientific research and development. You have to understand when you clone a mammal or A human you are creating a newborn child or animal not an already aged and mature animal nor Person. If you are generally smart you can and could make a clone in approximately 9 months That's insane!! A pair of clones will experience different environments and nutritional inputs while in the uterus, and they would be expected to be subject to different inputs from their parents, society, and life experience as they grow up. Infertile couples who wish to have a child that is genetically identical with one of them, or with another nucleus donor.Transplantable tissue may be available without the need for the birth of a child produced by cloning. For example, embryos produced by in vitro fertilization (IVE)  can be typed for transplant suitability, and in the future stem cells produced by nuclear transplantation may allow the production of transplantable tissue. True clones have identical DNA in both the nuclei and mitochondria, although the term clones is also used to refer to individuals that have identical nuclear DNA but different mitochondrial DNA.

Now in conclusion this is just of the problems of cloning and why it's wrong and as you can see it's alot . Alot of reasons why cloning should be banned your essentially Creating a person for an experiment and raising it , but as you should know clones don’t have a Long life span. They are expected to live about 40 years . Also born with defects aswell. Do you agree or disagree with this? Do you think cloning should be banned?

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