Teens and Technology Essay Sample

📌Category: Science, Technology
📌Words: 541
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 June 2022

Teenagers now have grown up with technology. As teenagers, technology has helped us connect to our friends and family when we are distant. Many teens also use technology to create businesses or express themselves when they can't physically, since we can be behind a screen. Technology is vital to teens as they are able to express themselves and communicate around the world.

Technology is what most teens nowadays grew up with and as the younger generation becomes even more dependent on, younger teens get phones even earlier on. As we have learned how to use tech in a way that suits us, we can better learn how to express ourselves. One of the biggest social media apps is Instagram, Instagram is global and has about 1 billion monthly active users. As you might think that it's a basic app, it's much more than that for teens. Instagram lets you share photos. But teens have become creative with it as people have created small businesses using Instagram to market and campaign their products. Or even share crafts and their drawings with the world. They used a simple minimalistic app and got creative ideas. People can even get famous by using Instagram. I followed an artist when they had a low follower count and after months of sharing their art, they got many more followers and even got a blue check. Instagram is just one app. Imagine all the other apps and possibilities you have to express yourself, whether it's with art, photography, or marketing.

Because technology is global, we can speak to many people around the world. Many people in my family use an app called WhatsApp to communicate with each other. I have cousins in Peru that I normally wouldn't be able to talk to because it's in South America, but because of technology I can communicate with them and talk to my family who are around my age. Communication isn't just texting and calls, it can be visual. YouTube and Tik Tok have made it where you can communicate around the world with just videos. As people voice their opinions on these platforms, they communicate and share it with the rest of the world. Tik Tok is a platform where the videos are much shorter than YouTube and you can scroll to about 100 people a day. As you retain the information or jokes, they tell you over the screen. Think that maybe 20 or more people are watching the exact same video as you and form different or the same opinions as you do. You can look in the comments and see people who reacted just like you did and decide to like or reply to someone's agreement or disagreement. This is communication and teens do it a lot with our realizing that this isn't the “traditional” text or call. 

Teenagers are very creative with how they use technology. They create new ways to express themselves and communicate with each other as they use Instagram to post photos of themselves or their creations. They can feel better about themselves as they get positive feedback from their peers. Or even communicate in a comment section with people that might be across the world or maybe even in the same state. Teens are and were very close to tech as they grew up with it and learned how to use it in the best ways possible. Communication And expression is very vital to people's lives and technology just amplifies it in a great safe way.

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