Information And Communications Technology As A Future Career Essay Example

📌Category: Career, Life, Science, Technology
📌Words: 685
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 June 2021

The future seems so far away yet time always passes too quickly. Before I know it, I’ll be graduating high school and opening the doors to my future. However, to open the correct set of doors I’ll need to make sure I know what I’m getting myself into. Information and communications technology is a huge field of study filled with unique and important careers. To pursue a path in information and communications technology you must understand why it’s an intriguing field, the skills needed to succeed, and the potential dangers you might face. The future depends on what you do today.

Why would anyone be interested in information and communications technology? This field interests me because I love creating. Did you know that all the apps you use every day on your phone were made by software engineers? Worldwide companies such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc. utilize experts in this field to improve existing products and create new ones from the ground up. I have personally made some of my own media and coding projects. I loved each second of the way and I'm always excited for the final product. Whether it be watching a video I just finished editing or playing through a game I fully developed, I’ve become addicted to that sense of fulfillment and satisfaction from completing something meaningful. In essence, I’m pursuing a career in information and communications technology to experience the fruits of my labor. 

It’s safe to say that different jobs require different skills. When working in the field of information and communications technology it’s expected to have a firm understanding of computers and how to navigate through the digital environment. Furthermore, specific careers will require more specific technical skills. For example, a software developer must be fluent with multiple coding languages and graphic designers must be proficient with the industry-standard software used. Through online resources, I was able to learn some of these technical skills such as video editing on Premiere Pro, photo editing on Photoshop, web development with HTML / CSS, and coding with Python and C++. However, I’m hoping to further my abilities with experience and university education. On the other side of the coin, it’s essential to be well versed with soft skills such as problem-solving, collaboration, creativity, etc. Many employees tend to work with coworkers and clients on large projects, this is when overall people skills are most crucial for success. Specifically, throughout this course, I’ve learned how to improve my communication skills in the workplace. Learning about proper professionalism will not only help me in the office but also improve my value as a potential employee. I think about it like this, if I were an employer, would I hire someone like me? As I continue to work on personal projects and advance my education, I’m hoping that I’ll develop into someone with a myriad of skills that employers will simply refuse to pass up.

Unfortunately, with every job, there comes risk. Unlike the physical risks placed on the shoulders of firefighters and police officers, workers in the field of information and communications technology must be aware of digital risks. Companies hold a considerably large amount of important data desired by malicious parties. This data can be anything from user information to business operations. To avoid any dangerous breaches, all employees must play their part to keep everything protected. Appropriate practices include properly securing any company-owned devices before use and properly backing up data afterward. Many organizations also have a thorough data breach response plan that is important to follow in case of emergency. As someone aspiring to work in the field of information and communications technology, I'll have the responsibility to not only protect myself but also the information of the users. 

In conclusion, when considering a position in information and communications technology as a future career it’s important to recognize what makes it intriguing, the technical/soft skills desired, and the types of dangers that may arise. I’m personally drawn to this field because of its inherent nature of creation and improvement. Knowing what employers look for in this field, I’m hoping to enhance my technical skills and my soft skills through further learning. A future in this field means understanding how important properly protecting data and following protocol is. As time continues to pass and technology advances, I’ll hopefully find myself working in the field I’m passionate about. Then, one day, I’ll be able to witness firsthand the new doors the world of technology opens.

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