Essay on Should School Be Allowed To Expel Students?

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 276
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 June 2021

“Education is the key to success”. Numerous people know this infamous quote, however, there are many people who take free education for granted. I agree that schools should be able to expel a child. With that regulation, parents would finally try to discipline their children more and not depend on the school, money won’t be wasted on children who don’t value education and children would value education more.

Researchers state that more than 70% of children who lived in hostile environments display that same behaviour in schools. Teachers can’t discipline a child’s behaviour as effectively as a parent can. That’s why a parent should not be upset when the child is expelled after several warnings about their behaviour. People suggest students who cause problems in school, be introduced to programs to help them. They are many programs out there already that educate and help children who are struggling in school.  If these programs are successful, why are we still debating about children being expelled? 

We all know education is very costly, as the government pays over millions of dollars each year for our children to have a semi-free education. But, why spend millions of dollars on an education, some children disregard? 

Lastly, a child being expelled is a sort of a wake-up call. I must admit, children need an education, as many who don’t have, grow up to work at low-income jobs. But expelling them should make them realized that school is not a joke and needs to be taken seriously.  

Everyone needs education but why keep on giving something to someone who doesn’t want it. By expelling students, would prompt parents to realize how important their children’s behaviour towards education, money won’t be wasted on children who don’t value education and children would appreciate education more. 

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