Essay about Right to Privacy

📌Category: Human rights, Social Issues
📌Words: 335
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 September 2021

Privacy is a very subjective concept as it depends on person to person as to what they want others to know and what they want to keep to themselves. It is something that depends on an individual as to what he/she wants to keep private and what they want to be known to others. 

The right to privacy has become a topic of importance due to its violation not only by other individuals but also by various social media platforms,e commerce websites and by various other applications that we download on a regular basis from the play store or app store. What looks like a simple sign in process after the installation process is much more complex than what it appears to be. These applications ask for basic information like our name age address email id phone number etc for the process of registering us on that particular application but they in reality publish all of this data on the dark web. Recently, there was an incident where a leading food delivery allegedly leaked the personal information of their millions of clients online on the dark web.This can cause a lot of cyber crimes as our names, email ids and other sensitive information is in the hands of anyone who could use it for any illegal purpose that they feel like. It is the unaware common man that will face the consequences of the others. This is one of the major reasons that stricter privacy rules are needed to prevent privacy inavsion be it electronically or in other ways. 

In addition to the stricter privacy rules that need to be enacted we can follow some simple measures to protect ourselves from privacy invasion is by not posting our information on any random unverified sites. We should publish it only on important and reliable sites. When we publish such sensitive information we should remember that we do not auto save it to browser thar we are using as that can be easily accessed by anyone who might hack into our systems. We should also constantly keep changing our passwords and keep them something that is not easy to crack like our name etc.

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