Argumentative Essay Sample: School Uniforms Should Be Mandatory

📌Category: Education, School Uniforms
📌Words: 491
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 July 2022

Did you know that the percentage of schools implementing school uniforms has grown from 10 to 20% in the last twenty years? As these schools examine the results, administrators are finding positive outcomes that are helping to address numerous concerns related to students’ education and well-being. School uniforms should be mandatory in public schools because they increase school safety, improve the learning experience, and do not repress students’ ability to express themselves.

First of all, uniforms help to provide students with the safety they deserve. More and more schools across the country have been implementing school uniforms and the results have shown a decrease in potentially dangerous situations. For example, the Long Beach California School District implemented school uniforms in 1994 to help deal with safety concerns. After one year the District found that “fights and muggings at school decreased by 50%, while sexual offenses were reduced by 74%” (Doc C). In addition, school uniforms also helped reduce violence in schools because it’s easier to spot intruders on campus who aren’t dressed like everyone else (Doc C). This data suggests that school uniforms contribute to more acceptable behaviors because students feel more connected and they have clearer guidelines about school expectations. Clearly, safety is one benefit provided by requiring school uniforms.

Secondly, mandatory school uniforms improve students' learning experience. Teachers have noticed a decrease in bullying and an increase in pride when their school districts implemented compulsory school uniforms. For example, the research that the Schoolwear Foundation did showed that 83% of teachers believe that a suitable school uniform could prevent bullying based on appearance or economic background (Doc B). According to Don Woodard, principal of a high school in Johnston county, school uniforms make students have more “poise, and are more well behaved when they have a sense of being dressed for the occasion of learning” (Doc A). When students are experiencing a better academic environment, they are often more eager to pay attention and learn in class. Evidently, uniforms would improve students’ learning experience.

Finally, uniforms do not repress students' ability and right to express themselves. For example, Mark Oppenheimer stated that his daughter is allowed to mix and match a combination of skirts or pants, a yellow, navy, or white shirt, and a jacket (Doc D). Students can also wear many different items that help them express themselves. For example, they can do different hairstyles, wear nail polish, have bags and scarves, and colorful socks (Doc B). A peer-reviewed study found that “54% of eighth-graders felt that they could still express their individuality even when in uniform” (Doc B). It is imperative for many students to be able to express themselves, and this evidence proves that they are still able to do that even with school uniforms. Plainly, students can still express themselves freely when in uniform.

In conclusion, compulsory school attire should be implemented in schools because it improves school safety, promotes a successful learning experience, and allows students to express themselves. Numerous schools already value the importance of uniforms, however, more districts should realize that they are a relatively easy fix to many of the problems schools face today. So get out there, and get your school to implement mandatory school uniforms.

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