Argumentative Essay Example: Teachers Should Not Be Allowed to Assign Homework to High School Students

📌Category: Education, Homework, School
📌Words: 364
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 July 2022

Less than 10% of teachers do not give out homework. That means 90% of high school teachers give out homework on a regular basis. High school students go to school on average 6-8 hours a day, on top of sports or extracurricular activities they participate in, and they finally get to go home, but they have at least an hour worth of homework to do.

Teachers should not be allowed to assign homework to high school students. They go there all say and learn and then go home and do the same thing they were doing in school that day. Some high school students may expreanse a lot of stress with homework and extra school work they have to do at home when they get done at school. Salvador tamayo salvador says in this article that “Studies have also shown that too much homework can be very unhealthy, making students feel stressed and burnt out.” studies show that homework is overall not good for high school students. 

Teachers should only be able to give students a certain amount of homework to do over the spand of the school week and make it due by Friday. A couple of pages 2-3 over the school week would not be bad and would not stress students out. Mckena McBridge states in this article that “While some may believe that giving students homework is helpful to their education, it is damaging to their mental health.” she also states that the school she teaches at has the top scoring high school students in the world, and they do not give any homework. She also states that “Students that understand the material given in their classes have no need to take homework home, and students that don’t understand the material are not going to learn by doing the work alone at home.” witch makes perfect sense. 

To sum up everything that has been stayed so far, teachers should not be able to give out homework to kids who go to school 6-8 hours a day and then extracurricular activities after school hours. Or they could be limiting their homework assignments to 1-2 pages per school week. There has been many studies that homework is not good for students and actually hurts their brains. It stresses students out. And this is why I think that teachers should not give out homework.

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