The Difference Between High School and College Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education, School
📌Words: 757
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 July 2022

Have you ever thought about or realized the difference between high school and college? High school is an educational learning area, where it prepares you for your future ahead, and college gives a similar concept to prepare you for the future as well. The difference that these have is how they are mentoring you for your future and what they give to you for the educational plan you are striving for. I will be discussing how high school and college aspects are different from each other.  

There are many requirements and enforcements pertaining to high school students. It's a place where you are required by law to attend school until the age of eighteen. When proceeding with your education in high school, if you were to fail a class, you’re required to take that class repeatedly until you pass. High school students are occasionally full-time students that must take the necessary credits required and stay for a full six to eight hours through their day. For college, it's not about the attendance that they force upon students; it's more like you have to pay your tuition on time or it will lead you to costly debts. college students have a choice that they make if attending class is what they want to do, doing homework, or if they were to fail a class it's up to them to either retake the class unless they don’t want to. College is place that’ll take steps further in your future to get you to the career path that you want to take; recent years high school does not install the studies that require you to succussed in career path development. In the Article,” How to Turn Your College Experience into Succusses,” says, it spans the spectrum. At one extreme, some students entered college without a plan and never developed one. For example, one student majored in Spanish and graduated without being able to speak Spanish. Only after graduation did this student discover that a Spanish degree led to few careers outside of teaching”.  

For people, the expectation is different from high school and college students. When you look at how people judge on if you passed high school or if you passed college, there are many different standards in a person's head. If you were to fail high school, it’s a bad thing and they’ll look at you as a disappointment, but if you were to drop college a person doesn’t look at you as lower or a failure, they just think that college is difficult and they understand if you did drop out or not. In the article,”11 Ways College Will Absolutely Change Your Life” mentions,” One of the biggest challenges I faced during high school and at the beginning of my college career was my struggle with social anxiety. I always felt fearful of change and new people or situations. Ever since coming to college and getting the hang of things, I realized that I could face whatever is thrown my way. I no longer fear the unknown, in fact, I crave it.”. All through high school, I delt with anxiety because of how I felt that I needed to fit into a certain category of people that portrayed higher up then everyone else, but I later realized once I got into college that it didn’t matter. College gave me the confidence to focus on my perspective of how I want to thrive for my future and not care on how to fit into a certain standard. 

When you observe on the way high school and college teachers administer you through life, you soon realize that there are two different perspectives. High school teachers act as supervisors to control management skills like behavior and access student's progress with assigned curriculum, meaning meet with parents about report progress. College teachers are just required to teach students and conduct research for publishing, meaning teaching and assessing students' progress to update course work for final grades. High school and college teachers treat students with different authorities and responsibilities. Being in high school teachers were more lenient, when it came to responsibilities for assignments or test that needed to be done, but college teachers are expecting you to be able know the requirements of when homework is due on a certain deadline. When you take in both perspectives on high school teachers treat students as if they are children that need to still be lead in the right direction on what path they need to take and college teachers treat students as adults that can handle their own tasks that need to be handled. 

In conclusion, high school and college educations are important to students in life. There is always going to be differences in responsibilities, tuition fees, and requirements for both of them. Both educational options give you different steps and goals that will lead you in your future career path.

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