America as a Super Power Essay Example

📌Category: United States, World
📌Words: 429
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 July 2022

As a superpower, America has their military and defense system to offer. America has been through a lot from the long decision of joining World War II all the way to taking troops out of Afghanistan during the summer of 2021. America offers help to other countries if they need it. Starting from joining World War II, America had to make the option to offer their help to the countries in need. The immediate cause of America joining WW2 was because of the attack on Pearl Harbor and their feud with Japan at that time. America has always wanted to protect the citizens of the United States and with the great military and defense system they have to offer, the citizens have remained safe. America’s overall purpose is to protect its citizens and the countries they like. By providing help and defense to other countries, more countries are likely to look into America to trade with or to become “best friends” with. By taking troops out of Afghanistan in the summer of 2021, America showed their leap of faith for the Afghanistan people. Although taking troops out was a hard decision, it was said to be the right decision for the American troops even if the majority of the people disagree with that action. America will have to make up for their decision of taking troops out of Afghanistan because it caused a lot of pain and destruction to America and to Afghanistan. Not only does America have the military and defense system to be their super power, but they can help countries out in other ways as well. Some of those ways include emergency preparedness, disaster relief, and bilateral developmental aid. With that, other countries get help from the United States in other ways than with the military and defense system. The United States military has come in handy a lot of times in history.  It has been used in the American Revolutionary War, the American Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Throughout all of those wars, America has offered there military and defense system to provide help. Now to talk about the United States foreign aid. Foreign aid is any type of assistance the one country can give to another country. Ukraine receives the most foreign aid from the United States and in return, Ukraine provides America with some military aid. The United States and Ukraine relationship is used for democracy, security, and human rights in Ukraine. To say America only has one super power is an understatement, America has many super powers, but America’s top super power would be there military and defense system as it helps out a lot of other countries and provide help when it is needed.

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