Covid-19 Vaccination in Quebec Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Canada, Coronavirus, Vaccination, World
đź“ŚWords: 453
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 01 August 2022

Recently, the premier of Quebec announced that the province is looking into a new healthcare tax for those who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine without a medical exemption. In Quebec, 10% of the population is unvaccinated, yet they take up 50% of COVID-19 hospital beds. It is becoming clear that the path forward is enough protection through vaccines, so hospitals are not in a constant crisis. This tax, if executed properly, could help relieve hospitals and increase the health of the overall population. 

The Quebec government’s policy is based on internalizing an externality. The term externality refers to the consequences of one’s actions that impact others. Externalities are commonly discussed in relation to how they impact public goods, which are things available to everyone. In this instance, the public good is public health and the hospital system. Another example of internalizing an externality is the carbon tax, which rightly charges polluters for the damage they inflict on the environment. 

Some have brought up education as a better means of increasing vaccination. Of course, the primary approach should be education for the public. Though, at this point in the pandemic, it is likely that people have solidified their stances. Any education campaign would not be able to change minds alone before the arrival of a possible future variant. Another alternative discussed are vaccine passports, which is also an incentive-based approach. This would be my preferred means to encourage vaccination, and I think Quebec should focus first on expanding their vaccine requirements. If this approach has hit a wall on getting new vaccinations, this tax could increase the opportunity costs, what you lose by making a decision, of remaining unvaccinated. 

Others are opposed based on individual freedom to choose whether to get the vaccine. All unvaccinated people would still have the right to refuse the vaccine, as the government cannot forcibly vaccinate people. Also, the unvaccinated will still get equal care at hospitals. This tax will not impact people’s freedoms regarding their health, but will act as an incentive to protect oneself and their community from dealing with aggressive symptoms. This kind of tax should only be used for this precise scenario, instead of it becoming a “slippery slope” as some fear. These kinds of pandemic decisions are an exception rather than a rule.  

The Quebec premier has proposed this new tax be proportional, meaning that it would be the same amount charged to people regardless of their income. I am opposed to this aspect as it would target low-income individuals who have already suffered the most during the pandemic. I would propose that the tax be progressive, increasing as income increases, instead. This way, people would still have the incentive without the tax being catastrophically high for some, or meaninglessly low for others. 

Additional incentives, such as an internalizing tax, can help as the world tries to move forward. If Quebec needs a new incentive for vaccinations, this tax will provide an economically based solution.

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