Essay Sample on Canadian Economy

📌Category: Canada, Economics, World
📌Words: 473
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 July 2022

Many debate what is better for our economy and Canada in general, some debates are: What is the most important portofolio? and The least important? Today I will answer these questions in as much detail as i can, 

The most important portofolio a lot of people believe to be finance. I'm here to explain why agriculture is the most important portofolio in Canada. In the year 2022 the population will keep rising and is up to almost 8 billion! 

As the years pass so does the population, with less agriculture more people will be starving and/or not have enough food. Canada doesn't keep all the food it produces for itself of course, Canada is in fact one of the top 10 food importers in the world.

By importing food that helps more countries have food for their own population and even global economy! Agriculture even has special programs to encourage more farmers in the industry with different products and ads! One government funded program is the Canadian Agriculture Partnership.

The Canadian Agriculture Party or (CAP) is a 3 billion dollar 5 year investment that was funded by the Federal, Provincial and Territorial  governments! This program helps by simplifying and streamlining (mainstream) the programs which are the easiest to access to the public, that access to the public is extremely important due to the jobs it can create from people interested in that career path,  2 billion of the 3 billion dollars were spent to FPT cost-shared strategic initiatives. And the rest to federal activities and programs as mentioned before.

Now moving on to what I believe is the least useful portofolio, the Treasury Board of Canada or (TBC). What the TBC specialises on is making recommendations to the TBC committee of ministers on how to better use tax payment dollars in more efficient and wisely chosen programs and services. 

To this day most of the information on this Portfolio is very restricted and hard to find information on! But what we do know is that it has a lot of partnerships with banks and different agencies connecting to finance and Insurance companies. The treasury can open many positions and even close a lot, we aren't aware of which ones specifically but many job positions are in the following: Bank of Canada, Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT), Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and these are just a few of many. Why do I think it's the least useful? It may create and close jobs but 1 crucial mistake from the ministry can shut down banks small/big and raise payments on insurances, car payments, house payments etc. Their jobs take a lot of responsibility and many believe they aren't as useful and safe as many other portfolios.

In conclusion we have a lot of trust in our Cabinet to pick good matches for our different portfolios, even the least useful portfolios can be helpful in the daily life of every canadian. We trust them to do their absolute best and be efficient with agencies on their portfolio, meetings and more to improve our everyday lives!


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