Research Paper Example: Ongoing Diplomacy/War between North and South Korean

📌Category: Asia, Government, Politics, World
📌Words: 458
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 August 2022

My history day research includes the “Ongoing Diplomacy/War between North and South Korean” countries that have been divided since the beginning of the Korean war in 1950.  I chose this topic because I was very interested in learning more about the country that my grandmother is from and grew up in and my mom spent most of her childhood and much of her adulthood and the country I was born in.  This topic is very close to home with me and my family.  

It was not difficult to research my topic as there are so many articles that can be found about it.  I started off reading many articles of why the two Koreas were at war, when did it start, why did it start and I was mostly interested in when it can finally come to an end.  I was shocked when I found out how many people suffered and died in the conflict. In doing my research it has made me understand more about how important diplomacy is and continues to be in terms of literally saving lives.  

 I conducted research by referring to multiple sites which I have referred to in my citation page.   With each site or article, I would read, it made me want to continue to read more and more given that different authors had very different perspectives.  I started by seeing sites that would give an overall information and thoughts about the topic, but then continued to see many more sites that would be much more specific in terms of data.   It was interesting to see the different perspectives from the different articles.  While there were many, I was forced to find multiple sites that agreed with each other on information they were sharing to make sure my research was as complete, comprehensive and correct as it could be.  

 Like most research projects, they tend to change while it is taking place.  I started off thinking that the Korean War that I had heard so much about was much smaller than it actually was. I had no idea how many peoples lives were forever affected by the Korean war.   This topic was even more personal to me because my grandpa even participated in the Korean War and ended spending more than 2 years after the armistice was signed.   

My topic is based on the diplomacy that has gone on between North and South Korea which is closely based on this year’s theme, debate and diplomacy. The other thing that I wanted to pull from my research is how the activities and events that happened on the Korean Peninsula have affected and continue to affect the world, particularly in the North Asian Region.  This researching experience has taught me more about the valuable information I can learn as a member of my family.

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