Essay on Democracy vs Dictatorship

📌Category: Government, Political science, Politics, World
📌Words: 666
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 10 September 2021

Throughout history and around the world today, there have been many different systems of government. While some government systems have changed since they were created, others have remained the same for generations. Democracy and Dictatorship are two polar opposite ways of leading a country, each with positive and negative effects on its citizens. This essay aims to evaluate two forms of government, explain how they are run, provide an example of a country with that form of government, and finally, prove that democracy is the best form of government.

Are democracies the best form of government? Most people who are asked this question would say they are. Churchill famously quoted, "It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all the others that have been tried". By this, he means that democracy is the best form of government that has been tried, however, it could be better. There are 167 democratic countries worldwide, and this number is growing. But is Churchill right? Absolutely! Democracies give all people the chance to vote - depending on their age - and therefore everybody gets an equal voice. They also allow everyone living in that country the right to believe in what or who they decide. 

Democracy in New Zealand is fair for all people - like every democracy should be. Without a democracy many peoples' perspectives are ignored; the right to vote for whoever people choose is crucial to the world's future. Elections give the citizens of NZ the chance to vote for the person of their choice to represent different opinions, perspectives, and views on the way that the country should be run. In 2019 - the most recent election in New Zealand - the majority of the population voted for the Labour Party - the current governing party at the time - rather than any other. This showed that most New Zealanders supported the government leading their country. Across the globe today, there is a large number of democratic countries; Norway, Ireland, Canada, and United Kingdom are just a few. Sadly, not all countries believe that democracies are the fairest system of government.

Dictatorship is an unfair, bias form of government that should not be around in the 21st century. As Evan Esar - a american humorist - once said, "In a democracy, you believe or not, In a dictatorship, you believe it or else" By this, he means that in a democracy, everyone gets a say in what they do - they can believe what they want. However, that is not the same in a dictatorship. As Esar stated you don't have the choice in what you believe in - you must believe in what your leader ( the ruler of government ) wants you to believe in - because if you don't punishments will occur. 

A devastating example of dictatorship in the current world is in North Korea ruled by King John Un. North Korea is home to more than 25 million people, all of which live under strict rules and regulations. These include, the need to ask for permission to travel around the country and all TVs and radios are tuned to government-controlled channels. Anyone caught listening to broadcasts from outside North Korea face serious consequences. These controlling rules mean that most North Koreans have little or no idea of events happening in other parts of the globe, such as Christmas. Any citizen from this country that breaks any of the rules set by King-John-Un are brutally punished - such as being sent to Prisoner Camps, or sometimes even killed! 

There are many different governing systems around the world, each with its unique features and laws. Whilst Democracy, the fairest of them all, gives power to the people, Dictatorship gives power to one person. One main feature of Democracy that Dictatorship doesn't have, is that you have the equal right to vote. Every single person in New Zealand over the age of 18 gets the right to vote. A country that doesn't have a fair voting system,  cannot be classified as a Democracy or call themselves democratic. Overall, Democracy is the fairest form of government and although you don't always get the leader/party of your choice, you get to have your say in who you want to lead. Democracy is the best form of Government.

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