The United States and World War I Essay Example

📌Category: History, History of the United States, United States, War, World, World War I
📌Words: 605
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 14 April 2021

The entry of the United States into the first World War drastically changed the tide of the war. The United States, although they attempted to stay neutral, were pulled into the war and allied with Great Britain, France, and Russia, to defeat the German Empire. In concern for the economic interests, the sinking of the Lusitania, and the German atrocities in Belgium, the U.S. declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, joining the First World War. Because of these reasons, along with a multitude of others, the United States could not remain neutral in WWI.

One occurrence that led to the declaration of war in America was the concern for the U.S. economic interest. Many American businessmen, prior to the inclusion of America in the war, donated to help the war effort equaling about 3 billion dollars in loans and bond purchases ( Because it was necessary for these loans to have the possibility of being paid off, the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria, could not beat the Allied Powers, in which the United States then joined. If the Allies lost, most of the loans and bond purchases would not have been able to be paid off. Therefore, if the United States did not enter the war, the bond purchases would have gone to waste, especially since the United States did not use the money that was donated to the Allied Powers war effort, Although the money was loaned before America declaring war on Germany, it still had the purpose of aiding the American soldiers, along with their war allies.

Another reason American could not retain its neutrality in the war was the sinking of the Lusitania. The Lusitania was a boat that ferried people across the Atlantic Ocean, but on May 7, 1915, it was sunk by a German U-boat. It killed 1,313 people of the 1.949 onboard, with 128 of that death being Americans (Rosenberg). Because of this torpedo by a German boat, Americans were angered by the killing of the 128 Americans since, at the time, America was still neutral in the war. Along with the people on board, it is believed that the ship was carrying military equipment, but that is not why the German’s attacked. This sinking increased tensions between Germany and America, and it also increased anti-German sentiment in America.

Finally, American could not retain its neutrality in the war because of the German atrocities in Belgium. Belgium, which was not officially an ally but supported the war against Britain, was also neutral in the war. On August 4, 1914, Germany invaded Belgium and caused the civilians a lot of suffering. After that day, inhabitants of Belgium were executed, forts were formed, and troops rounded up civilians of the villages to be massacred (Schaepdrijver). These stories were published through the press and newspapers and it caused a large amount of hate towards Germans from the Americans. These people were also unarmed and harmless, yet the Germans continued their wrath ( With respect towards their allies, Americans could not retain a neutral position in the war and instead had to step in to stop the unnecessary murders and executions. The German Atrocities were another reason that the Americans decided to declare war on the German Empire.

Although the Americans stayed neutral three years into the first World War, they could no longer keep their neutrality after the Germans continued to rain down violence on innocent people and villages. With their declaration of war on April 6, 1917, the United States allied with France, Britain, Russia, Italy, and Japan to overpower Germany and its fellow Central Powers. With all of the violence and murders, the United States could not have retained their neutrality in the war and become a successful world power at the same time. With the inclusion of the United States in WWI, America became a powerful country with greater allies, economics, and military strength.

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