Charlie Chaplin Modern Times Movie Review

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 644
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 06 June 2021

Dealing with labor throughout work is something that young children and grown adults had to go through back in the day it wasn’t easy but, the movie “Charlie Chaplin Modern Times” directed by Charlie Chaplin himself, portrays a young man who is comedic but is put into labor and hard work with machinery and is unpleased with what he has to do and gets very overwhelmed at times. His boss is also someone who doesn’t do a lick of work to save his life. Even though Charlie Chaplin can share laughter in the movie, it causes an unpleasant feeling of how these workers are truly treated and this same thing will all connect back to real-world problems people will have to deal with in working. 

Throughout this movie, it begins to show how these workers had many issues to deal with and later on causing them pain in what they did. One example that shows the issue with their job could be in the scene of the man showing the new product that feeds the men while they work. Charlie went through a bunch of pain just for the boss to be even lazier and make sure he is making more money out of it. The workers aren’t even allowed on break one more example would be in the scene where Charlie is in the bathroom enjoying his smoke break and he is just being stalked by the boss this goes to show how they are worked to the bone and don’t get chances to be themself instead are under watch and are forced to go on strike to meet the demands they want to have.                      

Bosses are the type of people to work and make sure people do their job the right way and in this film, the boss is shown as just a lazy, boring, and unenthusiastic person overall. This boss, in general, is caught maybe doing a puzzle or stalking the workers in the bathroom, and these are the type of things you won’t normally see in bosses. The way this boss can treat these workers is out of this world he tries to just squeeze the most out of them later on, causing Charlie to have mental breakdowns. As it was shown before he was someone who wouldn’t even let the workers on break because when Charlie had gone to the bathroom the boss was right there staring at him through the monitor not even able to talk to him man to man. Overall this boss was someone who shouldn’t have their job and should care more about the quality of his work not trying to stress his workers as he does. 

This film was shown from the perspective of Charlie Chaplin so when someone thinks back to a film being biased it will normally show the person who they want the audience to feel sympathy for. This is exactly what they did while directing this film. Now, in certain scenes like the strike they went on, the viewers will feel sympathetic towards the workers because of how awful and mean the boss is to them so when the workers go on strike the audience watching won’t be mad at them instead will feel bad and want them to get what they want. The director has specifically made it so the boss is automatically the bad guy by making him lazy, mean, and just a terrible boss. So the bias would be Charlie Chaplin on the worker’s side. 

Since we will always be affected by labor the Charlie Chaplin movie shows how workers feel when they just completely get pushed to their limit and don’t get the stuff they deserve. Charlie was a person who made mistakes throughout working but even when he was visibly upset and the boss didn’t do anything but make him work even harder shows he doesn’t care for anyone except money and this same thing goes into real-world situations where people won’t always be the best of both worlds including bosses and they will have to find ways around it even if it means going on strike just like the workers did.

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