Social Media and Teenager's Life Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Life, Social Media
📌Words: 400
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

Social media is a major source of communication and information on vast topics. In addition, teens can strengthen their friendships as well as express themselves through media platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram, and Snapchat. Social media has all types of different features for example sharing photographs, creating videos, and communicating with others. Teenagers are able to express themselves by posting pictures and videos to friends and family. Social media is helpful to teenagers because it allows them to strengthen their friendships and it makes it easier for them to express themselves.

Firstly, social media allows people to get closer with their friends. According to Knorr, "Social media can help strengthen friendships." This means that social media can be used in useful ways by allowing people to keep in touch with friends and family close and afar. Additionally, some media sources allow their users to have fun  playing a variety of games with friends. All in all, social media helps build friendships by giving the people the opportunity to connect with each other and letting them become closer through the internet.

With this in mind, social media helps teens share their opinions with others. In the article Gordon states "It helps teens express themselves." Most importantly, this means that teens are able to explore several topics and their desires. Some areas teens like to share with others are about political beliefs, sports, and entertainment. In conclusion, social media lets teens express themselves.

To some, it might seem that social media is disturbing for teenagers because they will get addicted. Asmelash states “Our results suggest that social media itself doesn’t cause harm, but that frequent use may disrupt activities that have a positive impact on mental health such as sleeping and exercising." Otherwise, even though social media can cause sleeping problems and exercising problems does not mean teens should not use it in moderation. If teenagers are on social media for too long they can take a break from looking at their phone or set an alarm clock, so they know when to stop. Teens have become adjusted to the internet and not wanting to meet up with friends in real life. Social media can affect teens' lives by letting them interact with their friends through a chat platform.

To conclude, social media helps teenagers gain stronger friendships and helps them express themselves. Moreover, Anderson states "A majority of teens believe social media has had a positive impact in various aspects of  their lives." This means that some teenagers get positively impacted when using social media. All in all, social media is a necessity for a teenager's life.

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