Zootopia Movie Analysis Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Entertainment, Movies
đź“ŚWords: 497
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 16 July 2022

When analyzing the film Zootopia in terms of the long term effects and impacts it has on the young adolescence, the aspect of perseverance was illustrated with a high level of significance. Throughout the film, the child is able to grasp the idea that they are capable of obtaining any goal or desires they set for themselves as long as they work hard for it. The film demonstrates this aspect using the character Judy Hopps as she worked very hard to become the best officer she possibly can regardless of her size and the people that tried to restrict her capabilities. This psychological implication can be used as a source of proof for children that no matter how unrealistic their dreams are, if you work towards it and believe in yourself, anyone can be anything. Watching this film should encourage the child to disregard all rude and hateful comments that are used against them and assist them to become self-confident and work towards their dreams. While watching the film, there are many scenes that can impact a young child’s point of view in terms of the discrimination made towards the animals that do not fit in. The first form of discrimination displayed in this film was towards Judy as she was discriminated against because of her size and strength. She was mostly seen as a little bunny who doesn't have the proper capabilities to perform daily routines a police officer is responsible for. Another form of discrimination that was shown in the movie was towards the group of predators. The whole society began to generalize and create a stereotype that predicted all predators will go savage which caused the community to avoid any interactions with the predators at all costs. This will have an impact on the young youth since this form of discrimination is only a metaphor in the movie, yet it still takes place in our day-to-day lives. After watching Zootopia, these kids will be able to spot the discrimination made towards different types of ethnicities, races, and religions and are able to relate it to real life situations. Finally, when analyzing crucial messages that change how kids view the world, Zootopia has done a very good job at demonstrating how stereotypes develop towards a certain group or sect of people and how to put them to an end. This will help the young adolescent witness the multiple stereotypical statements made on a daily basis in the real world and will help influence them to make a change in our societies. Another aspect that will help alter their day to day view of the world after they watch this film is the true effect of bullying on an individual because of the way they look or their race. This has been an everlasting issue in all societies around the world that needs to be emphasized as there is only a very small amount of people who notice it. This film helps kids recognize this worldwide issue easily and influence them to terminate it completely. Finally, Zootopia will assist in increasing the multiracial as well as multicultural interactions in our societies, and will aid in putting an end to stereotypes that are made towards different communities.

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