The Legacy of Bill Gates Essay Example

📌Category: Celebrities, Entertainment
📌Words: 799
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 August 2022

Bill Gates; a software engineer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist, was born October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. As a child, he was always reading encyclopedias at the dinner table and at the age of 13 years old, Gates wrote his first computer program. After finishing his secondary school years, he went on to Harvard University and developed an operating system for the first personal computers with his childhood friend; Paul Allen. This idea showed great success and Gates later dropped out of Harvard to focus more on creating new softwares. Doing this would change his life forever. He co-founded Microsoft Corporation, the world's largest personal computer software company in 1975. Little did he know that this technology would revolutionize the world of modern computer programming. As a result, Bill Gates was officially a billionaire at the young age of thirty-one. Today, his net worth is estimated at 132 billion USD. Using this unimaginable amount of money, one impactful and positive way to spend it can be becoming a philanthropist. Bill Gates is a philanthropist by reason of investing his time and a tremendous amount of his wealth towards enhancing the lives of millions and their environment. 

Firstly, in 2000, Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, established their own charity; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which focuses on methods to improve humanity through philanthropy. Their programs are designed to address multiple global issues. First and foremost, they ensure global health. The global health division aims to advance in the eradication of contagious illnesses in developing areas by expanding the fields of medical technology and by directly helping those in need (Global Health Program). Furthermore, one of the foundation’s main range of focus is to terminate poverty. Their essential objective is “to expand the availability of affordable and reliable financial services that serve the needs of all, including the world's poorest people,” (Our Work). They financially support those working in the lower class that cannot provide for themselves and their families. Finally, they help break the barrier that prevents women from advancing in their careers. According to their gender equality division, they have invested a total of 250 million dollars in the empowerment of women all over the world. All things considered, Bill Gates has put in effort and time to manage an organization that specializes in the needs of countless lives everywhere.

Following this, aside from being a founder of an organization, Bill Gates spends his money as being a large contributor to many organizations that help those who are suffering. According to CNN, Bill Gates has raised over 16 million for the ALS Association through an ice bucket challenge video posted on Youtube with over 37 million views. The ALS Association is a charity that gives hope to those who are fighting Lou Gehrig's disease that have difficulty functioning. Not only that but since he started the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, he has donated a total of 35 billion dollars to his organization (Bill Gates Donations). Bill Gates is truly devoted to the success of his foundation. Whether it’s funny videos, to serious things, Bill Gates cares about the opportunities of others.

Finally, to terminate the problem of climate change, Bill Gates has decided to implement this by reducing greenhouse emissions which is a large contributor to the issue. “I see not just the problem of climate change; I also see an opportunity to solve it,” he says. Thus, in 2015, he established Breakthrough Energy whose goal is to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. They do this by using new technologies to innovate a cleaner environment (Breakthrough Energy). Additionally, Gates wrote a book to spread recognition about this issue. He not only understands that climate change is a serious problem, but also that public awareness can motivate people to start taking action. His New York Times #1 Bestseller; How to Avoid a Climate Disaster breaks down the steps of eliminating climate change and includes the ways that anyone can help; no matter what financial status the audience has (Gates). For instance, instead of buying a burger from Mcdonalds, Gates suggests attempting to eat a plant-based burger instead. This is because when eating a meat substitute, that shows demand on the industry, resulting in relying less on the meat that is a dominating cause of the methane crisis that heats the planet (Gates Notes). Regardless of it being a small step, slight adjustments lead humans closer to the mission to live in cleaner and more sustainable surroundings.

Ultimately, the numerous philanthropies Bill Gates executes by using his platform provide an outstanding example of what it is to be a philanthropist. He will not just be known as a billionaire, but also as a person that was truly devoted to giving back to the world and inspiring others to do the same. Gates has successfully built his own organization that today is one of the most charitable donations today, donates money to other foundations, and takes climate change action. Gates has not only succeeded in the saving of many lives, but he has brought in awareness and still continues philanthropy even as he grows old. His love of humanity and dedication will leave a footprint on his legacy indefinitely.

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