Pros and Cons of Distance Learning Argumentative Essay

📌Category: Coronavirus, Education, Learning
📌Words: 365
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 April 2021

On March 13th, 2020 at the end of the day, schools announced that in-person will be suspended due to Covid-19. The school district decided schools would resume. However, it would take place through online learning. I agree that in-person learning is the best option. As a result, there have been so many negative effects since we moved to distance learning. Distance learning has adversely impacted students from a lack of motivation, mental health issues, and procrastination on assignments. 

Distance learning makes it difficult to keep motivated when you're usually on your own and there's a lack of communication. For instance, You wouldn't get as much help online as you would in-person. Teachers would drive us to do better in school if we were physically there. That is the root of inspiration. Teachers supported us, and we received the assistance we needed. Doing work without inspiration is highly difficult for students. 

Distance learning enables one to procrastinate on tasks even more quickly. For instance, students are making their own environment, which means they are at ease with their own house. We have a lot of distractions at home, which makes it difficult for us to concentrate at school. Ultimately, online material is more difficult to grasp. We can audibly see how these are the underlying causes of procrastination and people face these problems on a regular basis.  

Many people, on the other hand, believe that they have more independence and fewer restrictions online than they do in person. This is particularly valid in recognition of the way that most students are falling behind on assignments and earning low grades. Teachers have been assigning students twice the amount of work. Students stay up all night in order to finish them on time. 

Based on all that has been said, distance learning has proved to be unsuccessful for us, and schools must re-open. There are several disadvantages after nearly a year of distance learning. It's hard to be excited about distance learning because you're always on your own and there's a lack of interaction. Distance learning worsens our procrastination on assignments. This is important because it leads to stress, anxiety, and depression. To improve this society, the schools should resume in-person as it will be of great benefit because you can work at your own pace, school is the best quiet space environment, inspiration, and performing better.

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