Essay Example: Single Sex School vs. Mixed Gender School

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 573
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 07 August 2022

The key to a good life is to stay in a mixed gender school. In single sex school the students do not have any mixed gender friendships. Also, it does not prepare you for the real world because when you have to work you might have to be with boys and girls. Single sex schools also does not let their students experience diversity and the students will not know about the other gender. Single sex schools would be harmful to today’s students because it denies students the opportunity for mixed gender friendships, it doesn’t prepare students for the real world, and single sex schools don't let students experience diversity. 

In single sex schools there are not that many opportunities for mixed gender friendships. One study found that 10th grade students at single sex schools reported lower satisfaction with other gender friendships. Also, the study said that without mixed gender friendships it can make you think that the other gender is crazy and weird. Forming mixed gender friendships can help emotionally and it can help increase your self-esteem. It also helps you when you are young so you can find out who you really are. When I got my first friend that was a boy, he helped me gain my confidence and showed me that I could be me around other people and not care what they think about me. Having mixed gender friendships are great, but you cannot find them at single sex schools. 

Single sex schools do not prepare you for the real world. Brighton college claimed that single sex schools damage a child's social development. When you go to a single sex school it does not show you a future work environment. Single sex schools also do not get enough social interaction with the opposite sex. My mom's friend went to a single sex school and now she is a stay home mom because she does not like working with another sex. Making money in the future is important, but you might not have sucess if you go to a single sex school. 

Single sex schools also do not let students experience diversity. In a mixed gender school, you learn how to get along with people, other cultures, races, and people with different learning styles. During a school day, you could get distracted by a cute boy or girl but that won't happen at single sex schools. You could see one boy in a single sex school and be like ew, they are so gross and that they are not cute. But, in reality, they are not any of that. One of my friends went to a single sex school and she met my other friend that was a boy, and she did not know how to react with him because in her eyes he was “different.” In a mixed gender school, you would experience diversity and know how to act in different situations, but in single sex schools, you can't. 

Single sex schools would be harmful to today's students because you will not have the opportunity for mixed gender friendships, it will not prepare the students for the real world, and when you go to a single sex school you cannot experience diversity. If you go to a single sex school, I'm sure it will be fun, but when you don’t have opportunities for mixed gender friend ships it could really affect you when you are older and won't prepare you for the real world. What I want to do is go to a public school so I can experience diversity and what is fair. I know that going to a mixed gender school will be a better option and make you live a great life! 

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