My Literacy Narrative and Amy Tans’ Mother Tongue (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Education, Literature
📌Words: 603
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 June 2022

The thoughtfully constructed writing style of Amy Tans’ “Mother Tongue” creates the impression that one is having a conversation. Through addressing the readers directly, “You should know that my mother’s expressive command of English belies how much she actually understands” (Tan 7). She demonstrates that she is not writing this novel simply to convey her opinions; she wants the reader to understand what is going on and why it is a tough situation. Tan utilizes a variety of narrative tactics to make each experience feel more personal. Like Tan, I believe it is critical to incorporate clarity to guarantee that one's views have been supported by a sufficient amount of the best evidence accessible. In addition, the evidence provides credibility to any writing and enables the reader to assess the basis of one's statements: whether that is based on personal opinion or substantial investigation to captivate the reader. In addition to building on personal experience.  

Evidently Tan excels in incorporating clarity into her writing. Word choice is important for clarity, but it is also important for conveying the tone of the story. The words we use should explain what the story is about. Short sentences with little, jagged words, for example, increase the speed and energy of a story. Longer phrases and paragraphs filled with flowery language slow down the pace of a story. Because I want my writings to flow, I aim to incorporate clarity into my writing style. Like I demonstrated in my previous paper, I raised awareness of the statements and their purpose. In addition to knowing what I am saying and being clear about what I want to accomplish because of communication. I want my words to speak for themselves and reveal the plot of the novel. Clarity boosts connection and engagement by increasing trust and transparency. Simplicity reveals intent by expressing expectations. Clearness communicates to others exactly what you desire. Testing your message decreases misinterpretation and communication failure. This prevents the reader from becoming lost in your paper and clarifies it for those who are unfamiliar with the subject. Evidence data, details, statements, justifications, figures, and research all contribute to the weight of one's own views. By allowing the reader to see what inspired one’s thinking, and how well the thoughts overlap and differ from those of others in your sector. Consider evidence to be the reinforces that strengthen the claim, making it stronger than it would be on its own. If I make a claim or an argument without supporting facts, my writing may appear to be an unsupported opinion or factually inaccurate. 

Tan succeeds in incorporating her experiences into her work. “I know this for a fact because when I was growing up, my mother’s “limited” English limited my perception of her. I was ashamed of her English. Her English reflected the quality of what she had to say. That is because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect” (Tan 9). Bringing our own personal experience to the page only enhances and deepens the reader’s experience. As we grow older, our content and style become far more influenced by our life experiences, which can become a key component of the writing process. Like if I were to take a paper, I wrote in high school and one now they would be drastically different and more mature. What one learns and experiences in life can frequently determine success or failure. A great formula for success is arduous work paired with real-world on-the-job experience.  

Overall, my ability to present clarity and evidence, while also drawing on personal experiences, has transformed my writing. In the future, I hope to be able to tell a story throughout my work similar to Amy Tan. I improved my writing by accepting constructive feedback graciously, and I corrected all of the errors I had made in previous articles. I study peer reviews and incorporated Amy Tan's writing knowledge into my own.

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