The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie Book Review

📌Category: Books, Literature, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
📌Words: 459
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 May 2021

Absolute True Diary of a part time Indian written by Sherman Alexie is about the lifestyle and perspective of an indian living on a spokane indian reservation. In this case Junior, who is a fourteen year old native american cartoonist with hydrocephalus. Junior’s family is poor and sometimes struggles to get food in their stomach, he loses his pet friend Oscar, who he truly loves and cares so much for considering he’s the only thing that he depends  on, because they couldn’t afford to take him to the vet. The book focuses on Junior who is caring and selfless about who he loves as shown in Chapter 2 of the novel “Why chicken means so much to me”. 

In the Novel, The Absolute DIary of a Part-Time indian by Sherman Alexie. Junior is caring and selfless in the passage most Chapter 2  “Why chicken means so much to me”.  

Sherman Alexie demonstrates to us the readers that Junior is caring, found in the passage most significant to Chapter 2 “Why chicken means so much to me”  of the novel, this is shown on page 10 of the novel  “Junior, sweetheart,” Mom said. “I’m sorry, but we don’t have any money for Oscar.” “I’ll pay you back,” I said. “I promise.” “Honey, it’ll cost hundreds of dollars, maybe a thousand.”  “I’ll pay back the doctor. I’ll get a job.” This illustrates that Junior is caring because he’s willing to get a job to save his dog, as said in the introduction he  relies on his pet because it’s the only thing he depends on out of his family. This explains why junior can’t depend on his family, because they couldn’t afford to take care of Oscar.

Furthermore, Junior is Selfless, in the text most significant to Chapter 2, “Why chicken means so much to me”. When Junior said ” I said. I promise. I’ll pay back the doctor. I’ll get a job” on page 10 of the book. He displayed the act of selflessness, even though his family is poor but he wanted to save his pet friend by attempting to go get a job,because he’s not selfish and he thinks of other people than himself,regardless of how  he gets bullied for his appearance but Junior takes care of people  he loves.His love and urge to save his pet is because he was the only one in his family that he could depend on.

Sherman Alexie characterizes Junior as caring and selfless in the Novel, “The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time indian”, Junior is shown to be caring and selfless in Chapter 2 of the book. He displayed an act of caring when he tried to find a way to save his pet friend Oscar. He’s selfless because he is willing to get a job to earn money to save his friend because his family is poor and couldn’t afford to take him to the vet.

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