Marketing Analysis Essay Sample: Bangers & Brews

📌Category: Business, Marketing
📌Words: 635
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 27 July 2022

Bangers & Brews is a business that specializes in sausages, beers, and ciders. The company is known for its exotic sausage offerings and partnerships with local breweries. Given that information and the fact that they promote a relaxed and friendly environment, I would categorize Bangers & Brews’ potential customers into three distinct categories. Each category represents a group of individuals that could possibly have values that align with Bangers & Brews values and mission. 

First, I would argue that there is a group of male consumers in the 21-40 year old age range. This group consists of men that are looking to find a place to hang out with buddies and grab a beer after work, or just have an excuse to get out of the house for a little while. They would be considered middle-class men potentially starting their careers. Bangers & Brews would give these men a space to try and relive their college experiences and/or allow current college students to experience the stereotypical college life we see in movies. This group of consumers will be called The Dudes.

Next, we have a group of consumers that ranges from about 50-65 years old. This is a group of individuals that are looking for something new and exciting. They are coming up on retirement and are looking to spice things up. These consumers are adventurous and exciting people that are always looking for new and exciting things to keep them busy. These consumers might also be done with the same old thing and want something different. A company like Bangers & Brews offers these consumers a space with an always expanding menu of exotic sausages and a place to connect with others. These consumers are going to be named The Exotics. 

The last potential group of consumers is going to be young to middle-aged families. These family units tend to be middle-class and look for a relaxing place that has space for everyone. In addition, these family units want a place that they can bring both their kids and possibly their dogs. The advantages for a family unit at Bangers & Brews consist of outdoor seating for kids and dogs, as well as options that the whole family could enjoy. Lastly, this group will be dubbed The Clans. 

In terms of profit potential for Bangers & Brews; The Dudes seems to be the most appropriate segment to focus on. The values that this group of consumers hold aligns with that of Bangers & Brews’ values. Those similar values can lead to a greater potential return on investment than either of the other segments. This is due to the fact that The Dudes group is presumed to stay at the business for a while to enjoy time with the buddies. In addition, this group of consumers has the highest likelihood of returning to the location another time if they enjoy the atmosphere and product offerings. Bangers and Brews also have a slang name and specific offerings that appeal the most to a male audience. Overall, the most profitable of the segments listed above appears to be The Dudes. 

Bangers & Brews must position themselves in a way that makes them sound appetizing and appealing to The Dudes. In order to do this, the public must know why Bangers & Brews are special. This is where a value proposition can come into play. For instance, “Bangers & Brews is the only eatery in the Eugene area that provides a chill spot to hang with friends, grab a beer, watch a game, and enjoy exotic sausages.” A statement like this positions Bangers & Brews in a way that appeals to The Dudes because it describes features that the consumer segment likes and identifies with. The statement can also withstand the test of time because men have liked the features that were described for a long time and it does not seem like something that will change any time soon. The Dudes thus seem to be the target audience for Bangers & Brews, but that is not to say that The Exotics, and The Clans could not enjoy the experience as well.

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