Essay Sample about Apple Inc.

đź“ŚCategory: Business, Corporation
đź“ŚWords: 620
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 28 July 2022

Hard-core Apple fans are like a herd of sheep, following wherever their “shepherd” leads them to. They are fanatical whenever an “innovation” happens or when a new barrier is “broken” by Apple. There are multiple reasons why people believe that, however, that is simply not the truth. Macs are expensive when they have limited business applications, their fake care for privacy, and Apple and its hunger for money and control is destroying small businesses are 3 of numerous reasons to believe that Apple is not as reputable or superior as they want consumers to think. 

First and foremost, Macs are expensive and lack fundamental business apps. The top-of-the-line 16-inch MacBook Pro costs “$6,598” (Apple, n.d.), while a Windows machine with comparable (or even superior) parts costs less than $2,000. Not only is the consumer just buying the brand, they are paying for a worse OS. On macOS, they lack Microsoft Office applications such as Access, a relational database management system, Visio, a diagramming and vector graphics app, Project, which lets managers develop project schedules, assign tasks and resources, all with real-time input from people’s calendars. These apps are exceedingly crucial to one’s business that they simply cannot live without them. 

Apple’s grandstanding about privacy concerns may seem good for the consumer, but they do not actually care. To Apple, the consumer is one of countless sheep, gobbling down anything they throw at it. If they genuinely have concerns about privacy, the company would consequently “take any number of actions to keep privacy violators off its platforms and away from its customers” (Bogost, 2019), the fact is, Apple does not do enough for us to believe they truly care about privacy. Neither do they care about the consumer. One part of Apple’s twisted ecosystem hivemind is that motivation, which pushes “customers to upgrade their devices frequently” (Dudovskiy, 2021) and, consequently, evidence shows that Apple has been slowing down earlier phones in order for the consumer to buy new ones! Apple has admitted to these claims, and their “admission seemed like proof of the company’s grand conspiracy to force people to keep buying new phones” (Kirby, 2017), no reasonable person would buy into the consumer-focused branding Apple pushes like an elephant being stuffed into a refrigerator. 

Despite the fact that Apple creates sleek products that last a long time, the labor behind it is horrifying. One of Apple’s suppliers, Suyin Electronics, had been employing underage workers as “young as 14-years-old.” Moreover, instead of dropping Suyin, “it took Apple more than three years to fully cut its ties with Suyin” (Ma, 2020), this shows how irresponsible Apple is with their ethics policy, no matter how important customers think it seems. Apple’s mission statement is to “create an inclusive and diverse work environment, and to respect the fundamental human rights of everyone whose lives [they] touch” (Apple, n.d.). Nevertheless highly contradicting, as the disgusting treatment of the Uyghurs would prove. Some suppliers of Apple were linked to “forced labor of Uyghur Muslims and other persecuted groups sourced from the Xinjiang region”(Sonnemaker, 2020), while Apple, a multi-trillion-dollar company, pretends that nothing is happening in Xinjiang, conversely forces Uyghurs to work for them without pay, literal slavery. This clearly shows that forced and/or child labor was a completely justifiable move for Apple. 

The notion that Apple is righteous in what it does is a complete fallacy. Macs are expensive when they have little business-related appeal, the sheer carelessness for the consumers’ privacy, and Apple’s hunger for money and control of the market is destroying small businesses are three of many reasons to believe that Apple is not as reputable or superior as they want consumers to think. When it comes to technology, the majority of people trust Apple as the gold standard. But when facts come to the table, that is not the case. When the consumer adores something, they will believe anything they say. This is a fact that has plagued the world for centuries. Personal bias hides people from the truth. Apple’s immense herd following has created a new kind of foolishness.

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