The Campbell Soup Commercial Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Advertising, Business, Marketing
📌Words: 853
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 03 August 2022

In a brightly lit room sits an empty can of Cambells soup, a voice sings the Star Wars theme before panning onto a father (Campbells, 2015). The father continues singing before interrupting himself with an impersonation of Darth Vader. “Cooper, I am your father” he continues as he feeds his son a spoonful of soup (Campbells, 2015). “Oh, no no, I am your father” speaks another voice from behind the camera (Campbells, 2015). The scene pans out to reveal two fathers feeding their son Cambells soup (Campbells, 2015). A homely and wholesome scene. The ad uses a sense of nurture to display a controversial topic, a family which includes a set of homosexual parents instead of the expected heteronormative couple. While this theme is controversial in today’s world, it shows that the brand Cambell’s is gearing its products towards “progressors” or people who support homosexual relationships. The choice for using the gay couple gives a sense that all families can be happy no matter their parents genders and promotes Cambell’s soup by making it appear in a happy situation. This commercial is used to pull at your heartstrings by showing the couple nurture their son with the infamous soup, a comfort food for many. The commercial displays a clear message of nurture, physiological needs, the feeling of safety, and aesthetic sensation.  

The commercial, as stated previously, starts in a brightly lit room with a visible can of Campbell’s soup (Campbells, 2015). A masculine voice sings the Star Wars theme in the background (Campbells, 2015). The man continues singing until he interrupts himself, attempting to mimic the voice of Darth Vader (Campbells, 2015). “Cooper I am your father” he says as he feeds his son a spoonful of Campbells soup (Campbells, 2015). “Oh, no no, I am your father” states another voice off-screen (Campbells, 2015). The camera pans out to reveal a set of fathers feeding their young son Campbells soup. The second father imitates Chewbacca from Star Wars, and the commercial ends with the company's slogan (citation). The commercial has a warm feeling, it is comforting and inviting. According to Jim Fowles Advertising’s Fifteen Basic Appeals the ad appeals to the sense of nurture. Fowles states the need to nurture is “the need to take care of small defenseless creatures- children and pets largely” (). The ad features a small child, a small defenseless being. The ad satisfies this need by providing the child with a warm environment, full of love, and of course Cambells soup. The ad pushes this idea further by featuring a nuclear family, showing full attention towards the child, creating the illusion of more involved nurture and attributes it to Campbell's soup. The attributed emotion towards the brand promotes its popularity through it being a ‘comfort food’ which perpetuates the cycle of buyers.  

The commercial clearly has the appeal of physiological needs, as it is promoting the purchase of soup which is food. The commercial starts by showing an empty can of soup and steam coming from off frame. Later we see a father feeding his son soup. Each of these examples clearly display soup. The commercial is manipulated to look extremely appealing and appetizing which stimulates your brain into becoming hungry. This hunger makes you attracted to the soup and makes it more likely for you to buy it in the future. This continues the cycle of purchases of the brand and makes the commercial a success.  

The commercial starts in a naturally lit open room, a family and bowl of soup at the table. Not trouble within the frame, near perfection. The family enjoys their meal together and shows care, love, and comfort. These sensations give a sense of safety, but the most important part is the label that displays “healthy for kids.” Most parents are worried about their kids and want what is best for them, concern for the safety of their children, so why wouldn’t you choose the soup that is healthy for them? By including this label, they fulfill parents' worries about health and promote their brand towards concerned parents. Meaning parents will be more likely to buy this brand compared to others if given the chance, simply because it has a specific label.  

The entire commercial is built to be visually pleasing, from the lighting to the movements of the people. The directors used natural lighting and large windows to provide a light atmosphere. The steaming soup in the first frame gives the illusion of a warm house. Having both parents sit with their child, feed the child, and share exchanges in a light-hearted manner gives the scene a sense of humanity. All these traits are appealing and push the idea that Cambells is better than other brands. 

The commercial is meant to pull at your emotions through the usage of family bonding and the warm atmosphere. It uses family, bonding, and a warm a scene to play into the viewers sense of nurture. The commercial is advertising a physiological need, food, and displaying it in a way so you favor it over other brands. The company makes a statement about health on the can which puts into play feelings of safety; it comforts parents by reassuring them that it is healthy. The commercial uses carefully crafted scenes and movements to appeal to the viewer and create emotion. This aesthetic looms over the brand giving the illusion of homeyness and comfort. The commercial uses elements of nurture, physiological, safety, and aesthetic to promote their brand. Does Cambells soup comfort you?

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