The Benefits Of Monopolies Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Business, Corporation, Economics, Industry
đź“ŚWords: 984
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 18 May 2021

The economic system monopolies are one of the countless underrated systems. If I could elucidate how underrated monopolies are, there wouldn’t be a classification that could describe how underemphasized monopolies signify. Monopolies enhance business and the consumer because they help maintain equipment more effortless and more productive. Monopolies are when a corporation takes complete control over a specific category of products, such as power generation. Companies need to be authorized to implement monopolies because there are many preeminent benefits of implementing monopolies.

Monopolies are incredibly beneficial to society because monopolies make it easier to maintain equipment and make products exceedingly economical. 

When companies are obliged to implement monopolies, it is simpler to maintain all of the equipment due to only one production system controlling manufacturing. This benefits the consumer because it’s less work to produce the products, keeping prices down. The Balance research group explains how monopolies can benefit society and shows how “sometimes a monopoly is necessary. It ensures consistent delivery of a product or service that has a very high up-front cost. An example is electric and water utilities. It’s costly to build new electric plants or dams, so it makes economic sense to allow monopolies to control prices to pay for these costs.” (ph five the Balance) To scrutinize the corroboration above confirms the idea that monopolies are beneficial to society because they make it easier to maintain continuous delivery of a product. This is beneficial to society because it’s easier to control and produce the production of goods. For example, the freeze that Texas recently experienced. If Ercot was allowed to monopolize, Texas wouldn’t have dealt with the predicament with all of the rolling blackouts because Ercot would have been available to maintain and keep all of the systems up and running. To further accumulate information about how monopolies are beneficial to society, the Balance goes on to state that “PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel advocates the benefits of a creative monopoly. That’s a company that is “so good at what it does that no other firm can offer a close substitute.” (ph10) Consequently, if companies are allowed to monopolize, it would be much more inexpensive and easier to maintain equipment, presenting it more beneficial to the buyer or consumers who need the produced product. 

Monopolies affect the supply and consumer in a sanguine manner due to the ease of increasing supply; therefore, the patron can receive the product at a cut-rate. When a corporation is allowed to monopolize, it can create a product so easily and efficiently. CFI, the study of economics organization, explains that “A monopoly is a market with a single seller (called the monopolist) but with many buyers. In a perfectly competitive market, which comprises a large number of both sellers and buyers, no single buyer or seller can influence the price of a commodity. Unlike sellers in a perfectly competitive market, a monopolist exercises substantial control over the market price of a commodity.” (ph 8 CFI) The testimony concludes that if a company has comprehensive command over a certain product, it can lessen the price. The rationale for this implies that they don’t have anyone to compete with. Not competing enables them to reduce the price of the product. They can also create the commodity more efficiently, contemplating they don’t have to compete against distinct companies and maintain equipment. This assists the price; for example, if an energy company could regulate all of the power production and become so proficient at producing it; that no other company could compete among them, thus lowering the price. Investopedia explains, “Monopolies are allowed when a single company can supply a product or service at a lower cost than any potential competitor, and at a volume that can service an entire market.” (ph 4) To anatomize what the anecdote above was divulging is that if a company gets remarkably superior at producing a product that no other business can compete among them, monopolies should be allowed for corporations to implement for the consumer’s advantage. Conclusively, it all results in providing the consumer with a less expensive product, which the consumer aspires. 

People may think monopolies are diabolical toward smaller companies. Smaller companies might be affected if a company is authorized to monopolize, thus being that the insignificant organization will not compete with the more developed company. Certainly, however, it makes the price economical, and manufacturing becomes effortless and accelerated. This is propitious to the consumer plus the producer. M.O.N, the study of monopolies, contributes that “Multiple utility companies wouldn’t be feasible since there would need to be multiple distribution networks such as sewer lines, electricity poles, and water pipes for each competitor. Since it’s economically sensible to have utilities operate as natural monopolies, governments allow them to exist.” (monopoly). The dispute above countenances how monopolies may hurt insignificant companies consequently because it’s infeasible for the smaller company to compete with the more advanced establishment. Meaning that if a company can implement a monopoly, it’s beneficial to not just the developed company but also humanity. The aforementioned implies why monopolies should be able to be implemented. The implementation regarding monopolies should be able to exist more often. The most dependable monopolies studies show that “Natural monopolies can also arise when one firm is much more efficient than multiple firms in providing goods or service to the market. A good example of this is in the business of electricity transmission where once a grid is set up to deliver electric power to all of the homes in a community, putting in a second, redundant grid” (ph 7 Economic help). communicates how companies that have proceeded through the process of being able to monopolize it have been exceedingly superlative. This quintessence that if companies that could benefit the population should signify more obtainable to create monopolies. Indeed though it may be detrimental to an insignificant organization, it can support the populace. 

These are simply some of the speculations of why companies should be capable of implementing monopolies. The supply can increase in a numerous leisurely demeanor; the patron can receive the product at a cut-rate. In enhancement, it is easier to maintain equipment and make the production of products more reasonable concerning the consumer. Monopolies remain astonishingly beneficial to civilization, including make prices more affordable. Monopolies support companies to manage their equipment and manufacture products at a more active rate. Monopolies should be something that necessitates implementation to have a decisive influence on society.

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