Strict Parenting Essay Example

📌Category: Child development, Family, Psychology
📌Words: 230
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 02 August 2022

A parent is either a mother or a father figure that loves guides and takes good care of his or her biological or non-biological child. In fact, it is one of the toughest as well as the most essential roles in the world. Parents also have their own way of expressing how much they love their children and how much they care for them, and that includes being strict towards them.

Being strict is one of a parent's ways of parenting, it is where they tend to control their children or where they set rules for their children to follow; however, there are also several reasons behind that behavior. Some parents are stern with their children mainly because they want to protect them from dangerous circumstances such as accidents. Furthermore, parents can be occasionally strict for the reason that they have high expectations of their children whilst, others are behaving this way believing that it can teach their children to become a respectful, obedient, and disciplined citizen in the future. And lastly, having a fear of being called an incompetent parent can also be one of the reasons why parents are strict towards their children periodically.

In conclusion, being slightly strict is acceptable. We all know that parents just want what’s best for their child that’s why they’re sometimes strict towards them. Nevertheless, we must admonish parents that being too firm towards their children may affect not just their relationship with them but also their children's mental and emotional health.

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