Personal Narrative Essay: The Death of my Parents

📌Category: Experience, Family, Life, Myself
📌Words: 335
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 April 2021

In October 2019 my life changed, possibly forever. Most of my family on my dad’s side lives in Virginia and that I accepted my aunt and uncle in New Jersey for 7 years. My parents lived in Virginia for a year, I visited my family all the time in Virginia. At some point my parents were driving back from the doctor. The breaks gave out and that they went sliding down a hill. The car flipped over into the James River. My dad was pronounced dead within the hospital. every week later my mom died.

My parent's death was a negative experience on my behalf . I didn’t take it well once they died. the sole time I told my mom I loved her was when she was laying down on her deathbed. I felt abandoned by everything I hoped for within the future with them, their grandkids, walking me down the aisle on my day . I didn’t have anyone to assist me through it. I completely shut everyone out and began counting on myself. Which may be a grief stage and that i am still browsing it and that i are doing a touch better. I don’t celebrate holidays anymore because they only don’t feel an equivalent . I always visit their grave sight.

If I could change anything that event I might have called them and told them I loved them. I don’t I don’t want to be the sort of person that’s mean. i'm a really nice person but i'm a far better person because i'm trying to form up for not calling whenever they called. I never bend them. It hurts but i'm getting through it each day at a time. I treat my sister like she is my very own daughter. I always look out for her like I promised my mom I might . I tell my sister and my family I really like them now because you’ll never get that back. It doesn’t hurt me to mention but i used to never be an honest daughter to my parents. But I wanna be a far better person for myself and my sister.

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