Essay Sample on Intelligence Tests

📌Category: Child development, Psychology
📌Words: 498
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 August 2022

When trying to measure intelligence people tend to try to test one individual skill set which is not the most effective way of testing. There are two tests that are more effective and widely used to measure one's intelligence, these tests are the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) and the Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT). Both tests target crystallized and fluid intelligence. Crystalized intelligence stems from earlier knowledge and experiences. Fluid intelligence is to think and come up with ideas without experience or prior knowledge. These tests are effective but both tests are unique and have advantages and disadvantages.  

Starting with the Wechsler test is the conventional way of testing one's intelligence. This test has six verbal and five performance-based tests. The purpose of the test having performance-based sections is to test fluid intelligence which is the speed and accuracy of responses. The performance sections of the test are picture arrangement, picture completion, matrix reasoning, block design, and digit symbol. Picture arrangement requires the individual to arrange cards in chronological order and picture completion requires them to point out a missing event or object. matrix reasoning displays five patterns with a missing piece and the individual must match the piece correctly. Block design requires the individual to arrange blocks to match a card given to them. Digit Symbol requires the individual to match numbers to symbols. The verbal sections of the test involve information, vocabulary similarities, arithmetic, comprehension, and digit span. The information section involves general knowledge and vocabulary requires the individual to give definitions. Similarities require the child to describe the relationship between two things. Arithmetic entails the individual to solve verbal arithmetic. Comprehension tests the child on practical knowledge. Digit span tests the individuals short term memory. The results of the tests give an IQ which can be used to place where the child is with others their age. A couple of advantages of this test are reliability and validity. Another advantage is the students could see their strengths and weaknesses. This test also has a few disadvantages such as a student's motivation or attitude could affect the results. Another disadvantage is that it is not multidimensional.  

Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT) targets creative, analytical, and practical intelligence. Practical intelligence is shaped by experiences and the environment the individual is in. Analytic focuses on the individual's ability to reflect and plan. Creative intelligence focuses on the ability to develop ideas and solutions and apply them to situations. There are some advantages and disadvantages to this test. Starting with the advantages, the test does not test strictly on the individuals' cognitive abilities alone. Another advantage this test supports different learning styles, and if one were to perform well in one category, they could perform well in another. Some disadvantages are that sometimes it can be difficult to measure. Another disadvantage indirectly tests general intelligence.  

Mrs. Anderson should have her child take a Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) because the goal is to see how the child scores among their peers and if they could perform in an advanced class. Mrs. Letterman should have her child partake in the Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT) due to her child’s ability to excel when presented with nontraditional ways of learning. 

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