Compare and Contrast Essay: Servant Leadership vs. Survivor Leadership

📌Category: Leadership
📌Words: 419
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 July 2022

Servant leadership and a survivor are two different things but share some similarities. The two have their unique characteristics within their definitions. When you hear the two, you would not think that they would have any similarities, but in fact, they do. 

Surviving is the action or actions of someone, in general, does not matter how high you are on the totem pole. It can be thought to be a set of skills that complement a leadership role. Being a survivor can be intentional, with the thought of enhancing your leadership capabilities later down the line. How can a survivor enhance your leadership? There are five characteristics of a survivor: positive attitude, adaptability, mental toughness, work ethic, motivation. A survivor, you can say, is a great follower to become a great leader. Not necessarily a great follower in a mocking or mimicking kind of way, but someone willing to pay attention and follow in someone's footsteps for a greater purpose. 

Servant leadership is when you have a leader with the goal to lead and serve as well. This means that the leader serves a purpose to help, enhance, and develop someone following them. This is not the same as traditional leadership. Traditional leadership is when you have a leader whose primary focus is the success of whatever they are in charge of. Servant leaders divide their power and put others first to help them achieve goals and perform to their highest level of potential. Instead of working to serve the leader, the leader's goal is to serve the people. 

These two titles have differences and similarities. A similarity would be they both have a greater goal in mind after the role. They both look to enhance, whether the person in that role or somebody looking to come into that role. Another similarity is that they either can be done or taught by just about anyone. The difference between the two would be; obviously, one is a leadership role, the other is a follower role. I believe you must take on the survivor role before being a servant leader. A great survivor can make for a great leader because they know how to get things done without breaking. Another difference would be that servant leadership is more critical because you have a more difficult task to serve people who will one day have to take on that role. 

In conclusion, both these roles serve their very own purpose. With both differences and similarities at hand, they both serve a greater purpose. They are both selfless roles that are to be taken very seriously. As a servant leader and a person who practices being a survivor, you must be disciplined in both in order to accomplish your goal.

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