Essay on Leadership Qualities

📌Category: Leadership
📌Words: 506
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 May 2021

What are qualities in a great leader? Being a great leader is a lot of work and not everyone is meant for it. A great leader must be responsible, so they can be prepared to handle all the work and pressure that comes with being a leader. Great leaders should not lie to their followers because if they do negative outcomes will happen and telling the truth is the right thing to do. Great leaders should always be truthful to their followers. Everyone deserves to be treated with fairness including certain situations. A great leader should be able to treat his or her followers with fairness, they should also make fair decisions. A great leader is responsible, truthful, and fair.

First, a great leader must be responsible, no one wants a leader that cannot get any task done especially if they are important ones that will affect both the leader and the followers tremendously. A great leader should be able to take control easily. Everyone makes mistakes including great leaders, but a great leader should be able take accountability for his or hers mistakes and not wait to be called out by one of the followers. For example, imagine a leader forgets to complete a task, they take accountability since they are the ones in control of completing tasks and they tell their followers the mistake that they did, this is an example of a great leader.

Second, no one likes to be lied to especially if it comes from a leader because they are the ones who influence and who you trust the most. Great leaders should always be truthful to their followers since what they are doing affects them too. For example, imagine a leader starts to tell its followers about this certain brand of water and always talks negatively about it saying to not buy any water from there, the followers will get influence to not drink water from there and eventually will also start talking negatively about it too, but the whole time the leader was lying about the brand and was just saying those things because the brand would not give them free water. But ones the followers find out it does not water anymore the damage has been done and water company already shut down cause of all the negative comments about the water. A great leader is truthful and does not lie to its followers, they understand how much they influence their followers, so they try their best to be good, so it influences their followers to do the same.

Finally, a quality everyone should have is fairness. A quality that every good leader has is being fair, a leader should be fair to it’s followers. Everyone including the leader should be treated fairly. If a leader is not being fair to some of its followers that can influence other followers to be unfair too. For example, a leader notices that there is an argument between two groups of people and looks at both sides of the story to decide who Is right, that is an example of a great leader. Another example, there is another argument but between different groups of people and instead of looking at both sides of the story the leader just picks a group.

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