Barack Obama as a Servant Leader Essay Example

📌Category: Government, Leadership, President of the United States
📌Words: 1251
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 13 July 2022

A servant leader is someone who helps others in need with no expectations of getting some reward back for their good behaviour. A servant leader also helps others because they understand that not all people who live in this world have equal rights and that not everyone lives just like everyone else. For example, some people are rich while others live in poverty, or how some people are discriminated against for the colour of their skin, and servant leaders try to help these people that are discriminated against or that live in poverty. The importance of a servant leader in our world is that they are the people that help people that live in poverty and that need help when no one else will. And servant leaders are always there to help others because they have overcome obstacles in their lives and they know the struggles that these people are facing. Plus, servant leaders normally have a good attitude towards all because if they did not they would not be much of a servant leader and most people would not like them. Servant leaders also tend to work to help others for most of their lives and for a living. But, to help others you have to have good visions for the future which is what servant leaders have because if they did not they would not get very far in their work. And you can find all these qualities in Barack Obama because he has always looked to the future with his ideas and he has always helped people with many different foundations which are made to help the world. And not only that, Barack Obama has always had a good attitude toward everyone he has met, even when some people are not that nice back to him, and not that nice to other people in general.

Barack Obama, also known as Barack Hussein Obama II, was born on August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.. Barack Obama was also the 44th president of the United States, and was in office from January 20, 2009, to January 20, 2017, being named the first African American to hold office. But not only that, Barack Obama represented Illinois in the U.S. Senate from 2005 to 2008, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” Barack Obama went to Occidental College in Los Angeles for two years then moved to Columbia University in New York City, where he later received his bachelor’s degree in political science in 1983. Later in life, Barack Obama was married to Michelle Obama which they got married on October 3, 1992, and later had two children with her, which were named Malia Ann Obama and Sasha Obama. 

Barack Obama is a great person and he has many great characteristics and qualities about himself. Barack Obama has amazing leadership skills and has always used them to help people and the country, in one way he has used his leadership skills to be able to create an amazing country for all to live in, and he did the best he could for all the people who lived in it, which is what a good leader should do. Barack Obama was also very organized in all the things he did and did, an example of this is he would always plan things very critically and carefully making sure it was the right time to do this certain objective or thing, and making sure that there would be no family or other distractions at that point in time. Barack Obama was and always will be very influential to all the people in the U.S.A., during and after the presidency because he always gave hope to those who did not have much. For example; he gave hope to the depressed and the hopeless, and not only that, he gave hope to African American people all around the country and even the world showing how if he could become president, everyone could do something just as impressive. Barack Obama also had a quality that most people in power do not and never will have, he was able to be serious and lead a country while also being an awesome and normal person, there are a countless number of videos on the internet about how Barack Obama was awesome and some of the amazing things he did. 

Barack Obama has brought justice to the U.S.A. through his work and in many other different ways to make the country a better place. Barack Obama brought justice to LGBT community by saying “We are big and vast and diverse; a nation of people with different backgrounds and beliefs, different experiences and stories, but bound by our shared ideal that no matter who you are or what you look like, how you started off, or how and who you love, America is a place where you can write your own destiny.” Barack Obama also did other things for the LGBT community by making equality for all americans, he did this by ending DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act), which made it so same-sex marriages could happen. And not only that, Barack Obama also made it so the LGBT community could join the Armed Forces without the fear of being rejected because of who they are and who they love. Barack Obama also brought justice to African Americans by helping the African Americans in poverty, and in 2015 there were 700,000 fewer African Americans in poverty because of Barack Obama. 

Barack Obama achieved many things on a personal, national, and global level while in office, and after being in office. Barack Obama achieved things on a personal level by doing things no one else in America has ever done, for example; He became one of the best presidents of the U.S.A., being the first African American president ever in the history of the U.S.A., and many other things. Barack Obama also achieved many things on a national level by: Helping many African Americans in poverty and many African Americans in general, helping the LGBT community, and just helping the country to become amazing. Not only that, Barack Obama also helped the global community by bringing countries closer together, including; Canada and Russia. And, while Barack Obama was in office he made some agreements with Canada, including: Reducing the methane gas emissions from the oil and gas sector, and to protect the changing Arctic from climate change. Barack Obama also helped the global community in another way by showing black people and other people around the world that if he could become president they could do something even more impressive. 

In my opinion I think Barack Obama was an amazing person and president, and is a perfect example of a servant leader. I believe that Barack Obama is an amazing example of a servant leader because he puts others before himself and is always willing to help others. Not only does Barack Obama put others before himself, he also has great qualities and characteristics like a servant leader has, for example: He is a leader, helpful, generous, good-hearted, un-selfish, and the list goes on and on. Just some of Barack Obama’s achievements that impressed and inspired me are: He signed the Affordable Care Act which provided health insurance to at least 20 million uninsured Americans, he ended the war in Iraq, he supported the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality, and he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. The reason these things impressed and inspired me is that not only did he do some amazing things for the country and the world, but he also did all these things by himself. Barack Obama inspires me to see myself as a servant leader by using my gifts and talents because he did all those astonishing things and he is just a normal human that decided he wanted to change the world. And just like every human being Barack Obama has his flaws, but he learned how to overcome them and use them to his advantage, just like I can.

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