Traits of a Leader Essay Example

📌Category: Leadership
📌Words: 348
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 August 2021

It can be argued that those who possess innate leadership and entrepreneurial qualities strive for control and thrive on risk. Though this elementary definition provides minimal insight into the unique attributes that make a person succeed as an entrepreneur or leader, it reveals all that is needed to know. That being said, these traits can be taught to those with unwavering passion and determination and do not require a natural aptitude in regards to the concepts. 

The aptitudes and traits that natural-born or taught leaders and entrepreneurs all possess are as follows: the courage to take risks, determination, the ability to rapidly adapt to changes, creativity, and innovation. These five characteristics play a significant role in the success of many leaders and entrepreneurs worldwide. To survive in the stressful world of these individuals, the ability to rapidly adapt and propose new, innovative, and creative solutions is vital. Whether it be the regeneration of a past idea, or a completely new notion, creative problem solving ensures lucrative success. 

Considering these characteristics and my inherent aptitude for leadership and entrepreneurship, I am confident that I could be a successful leader or entrepreneur. Along with my intrinsic capacity for leadership and entrepreneurship, my creativity is infinite. This creativity assists me in quickly adapting to my surroundings and handling challenging situations with ease. I can calmly handle situations and generate quality solutions and ideas with minimal effort. Not only this, but my creativity amplifies empathy and allows me to see and understand various perspectives and beliefs, crucial to leadership. 

Surprisingly, in opposition to my belief that I possess the ability to become an accomplished leader or entrepreneur, these are not roles that appeal to me personally or professionally. For many years, I have watched the creativity and passion of those around me thrive in a business environment where they occupy the roles of leaders and entrepreneurs. And although their creativity has flourished, I feel as though mine would be limited. This is because the climate in which I prosper does not include a universal hierarchy or constant competition between who has seen more success. Instead, it encourages individual leadership and revolves around helping others overcome or manage their burdens. In this environment, I can continuously use my boundless creativity and empathy to aid others in healing.

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