Leadership Essay Example: George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson

đź“ŚCategory: Historical Figures, History, History of the United States, Leadership
đź“ŚWords: 660
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 27 July 2022

After the constitution was founded the 3 leaders George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson were crucial in the making of the United States of America. George Washington was an amazing leader, Alexander Hamilton fixed many financial problems and Thomas Jefferson was responsible for the expansion of the United States. 

George Washington contributed to the establishment of America by being a Commander in Chief, elected delegate to the First Continental Congress and signing the Judiciary Act of 1789. Washington was a Commander in Chief of the Continental army during the American Revolution. He was an amazing Commander because he fought smartly with tactics that would outwit the opponents even though Washington had fewer men and fewer weapons. He was also an elected delegate to the First Continental Congress. The Continental Congress addressed the grievances that the colonists had with the King and Parliament. This meeting was the first true attempt at joining the colonies together to represent themselves as a whole when dealing with the king. Lastly he signed the Judiciary Act of 1789. This was very important because the Judicial Branch reviews laws and decides if laws go against the constitution.  George Washington has many achievements and is very smart, that is why people believed he should be the president and represent the people. Washington still needs people by his side and one of them is Alexander Hamilton who is well educated and can help make important financial decisions. 

Alexander Hamilton founded the First National Bank, was a leading contributor of the Federalist Papers, and founded the first political party in the United States. Hamilton founded the First National Bank, according to the article above Hamilton believed that a national bank would “stabilize and improve the nation’s credit while also improving the way that financial business was handled by the government”(). Hamilton wrote a report on a National Bank by using his experience and researching Adam Smith’s theories. He was also a leading contributor to the Federalists Papers. Hamilton made a huge contribution by writing 51 of 85 published essays. He also supervised the whole project and oversaw all the publication. Hamilton founded the first political party in the United States. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison disagreed with Alexander Hamilton's ideas which created 2 rival parties known as the Democratic and Republican Party. Hamilton being a Democrat believed in a strong national government with the creation of a central bank and friendly relations with Great Britain. Republicans believed in the opposite with a strong state government based in rural America. Alexander Hamilton did something that was crucial in the making of the United States and helped Washington with many things. Alexander Hamiliton and Thomas Jefferson may have never seen eye to eye but they both played a very important factor in shaping America and helping Washington with different obstacles they had to face.

Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independance, conducted the Louisina Purchase and Abolished the Slavery Trade. Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence which proved to be inspirational to numerous national declarations throughout the world. In the second sentence of the declaration Jefferson said “All men are created equal” which is now one of the most well known statements on human rights. He also conducted the Louisiana Purchase. France offered to sell the Louisiana territory to the United States at a rate of about three cents an acre in 1803. Jefferson expected the deal and doubled the size of the nation. The land consisted of 15 present day states and two Canadian provinces.  During Jeffersons presidency he called for the criminalization of international slave trade on the first day it was possible. The Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves was signed into law by Jefferson on March 2, 1807 by which no new slaves were permitted to be imported into the United States. Thomas Jefferson helped Washington in many ways and did a lot of things during his presidency that positively impacted the United States. Jefferson also did many important things during his presidency. 

The reasons listed in the paragraphs above are the reasons I believe that George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, and Thomas Jefferson together created a strong and stable government despite their differences. They all contributed to America's success by accomplishing many great things and played a role in shaping the country that we know today. 

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