Reflective Essay Example on Leadership

đź“ŚCategory: Leadership
đź“ŚWords: 570
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 10 August 2022

According to the article provided by WCH Prentice, leading is defined as achieving a goal with the assistance of human helpers. A leader should consider the motivations of their employees and incorporate them into the company's goals. It is to match their needs and preferences with the team's objectives. According to the author, leadership does not imply wielding authority or possessing analytical abilities. Prentice sees leadership as democratic, with opportunities for employees to learn and grow, and rejects the creation of anarchy. The leader's recognition of roles and functions within the group will allow each member to satisfy and fulfill primary goals.

Many points about leadership were highlighted in the article. The first is to comprehend human complexity and diversity. The group's initial goal will be met if the leader responds to the various individual needs of the workers and improves some aspects of the workplace, resulting in a genuine intrinsic interest in work. Moreover, a great leader appears to be aware of a group's goals and objectives. The qualities and interpersonal skills of the leader that will help him or her maintain a good relationship with his or her companions and understand their unique characteristics will lead to the group's improvement. Furthermore, a superior would not motivate his or her subordinates to presume that he/she regards them as inferior; nonetheless, they should be wise enough to maintain a sense of authority that allows them to acknowledge their power without resentment. Furthermore, whether a leader or a subordinate, everyone should strive to improve themselves by learning from their mistakes. Making mistakes and maturing as a person developing each group member has a significant impact on the group's overall development. Lastly, everyone should maintain a professional demeanor. The significance of retaining a skilled exterior while putting personal relationships with others aside should be kept in mind while working in an office setting.

The author of the article made numerous valid points and comprehensive statements about grasping the concept of leadership. It revealed the benefits and drawbacks of being a leader. It also demonstrated the importance of collaboration between a leader and his or her employee. I agree with most of the author's points in the article, particularly the idea that a leader must understand his or her companions' various individual capabilities. I agree that having authority is complex, and finding the right balance between professionalism and engagement with subordinates can be difficult. I had the opportunity to serve as a leader to my fellow students in my academic life. To be a leader implies that you are a necessary component of the group. A leader directs and inspires the entire team. However, I dispute the idea that employees regard their employers as natural enemies. Instead of adopting a pessimistic attitude,  employees must view their employers as partners whose success is solely dependent on the accomplishments of both the employer and the worker.  Establishing a common goal and accepting responsibility for the team's success demonstrates that employers are not enemies but affiliates.

The article made me realize that a leader's role is vital in society, which will help me become a leader today and in the future. Having courage and outstanding qualities affects the overall functionality of a team. I learned that there must be an understanding between the leader and the subordinate to prevent any misunderstandings that will result in failure. Moreover, leadership is a difficult task, and not everyone possesses the distinct qualities of a good leader. As a result, it taught me that a good leader is also a good team member who knows how to listen. Overall, the piece provided a fresh perspective that enlightened people's minds and opened their eyes to the possibilities of audacious future leaders.

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