Essay Sample about Women in Leadership Roles

📌Category: Gender Equality, Leadership, Social Issues
📌Words: 992
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 24 July 2022

“Don’t let being a woman hold you back from the leader that you’re destined to be.” It is a popular saying by Jamie Farsnel that everyone might have heard of. But in today’s world, the motive for this saying has become a reality. Whether it be politics, education, science, or technology, women have excelled everywhere, in every manner, and are now giving a head-to-head competition to everyone. Long gone are the days when they had to fight for deplorable issues. Today, their contribution to society and even their mere existence have given us a reason to keep our heads high. And so, 8th March is celebrated as International Women’s Day celebrating the achievements of women, whether political or social, or cultural or economic, and also to mark the essentiality to take necessary steps and measures to widen gender equality. From presidents and prime-ministers to army and police, from the best of doctors, engineers, and scientists to entertainment, women have always made a spot for themselves and gave the entire world a plethora of reasons to be proud about. They proved their capabilities even in the adverse of circumstances, be it a war, pandemic, or sensitive state matters. No such situation is as recent as the coronavirus crisis, also known as the COVID-19.

It’s been over a year since the first case of COVID-19 was reported. The world shook and beard the outbreak of the pandemic, people were perplexed and so emerged was a worldwide turmoil. But now, everything seems to get back to normal. However, what everyone tends to overlook is the hard work put by countless people to bring the world to the state where it is now. Contributions, for example, include preparing and arranging food and proper care for the homeless and needy and ensuring availability of services in towns, cities, states, and countries. People in leadership roles worked their fingers to the bone to make the life of individuals as unaffected and convenient as possible. Government officials, both men, and women, all over the world, together made the smooth and efficient order of life possible. Even when everything was shut and the services were limited, they ensured that daily needed goods and commodities are available to everyone, they made sure that the provision of services is never halted. One such leader who earned great prominence by her actions during this time is Katrín Jakobsdóttir. She provided free COVID-19 tests for every citizen. She ensured proper aid and facilities are available for everyone, especially for those who are less privileged and can’t afford basic healthcare. Isn’t that’s what true leadership about? Making sure “everyone” walks the path with you. She understood the gravity of the crisis and provided free of cost tests so that not even a single citizen gets left behind in the hands of the deadly virus.  Moreover, as the COVID-19 cases ascended across the globe, Taiwan president Tsai Ing-wen was successful in containing the virus and controlling the number of cases in the country. She took necessary and effective measures at the right time to prevent its people and the world from every possible threat from the outbreak of a pandemic. Examples of such laudable women and cases of their commendable works are many. There is an endless list of them who have helped and contributed even in the pandemic period to make the world a better place. Be it Erna Solberg, Sanna Marin, or many other unlisted leaders who prevented the worst by their diligence and leadership qualities. It may never be enough to ever stop talking about the ways they have helped and contributed to the well-being of the population. Therefore, not only in politics but in other fields and areas of life too, women have played a vital role to uplift many.

Angela Merkel, Christine Lagarde and Kamala Harris are some of world’s most powerful personalities. They managed to hold and come up to the top even in the COVID-19 world. They contributed to shaping the world up with their own hands by their optimism, knowledge, and power. As the popular saying by Rosalynn Carter goes, “A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be “. These women seem to have implemented the saying by their work. Apart from that, in journalism too, journalists visited several places even at the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak in the country to cover the minute of updates, regarding the world, vaccine, and conditions of people at different places. They selflessly did their job to keep the world updated. Also, it is very important to mention the leaders of the health sector without whose continuing effort, it would be impossible to get out of the pandemic. Doctors and nurses, who did not go home for months, risking their health and putting their families and kids’ life at stake, treating and aiding patients, trying to find a vaccine that would lead to the betterment of mankind and the entire population. There, being a man or woman made no difference. They worked together, shoulder to shoulder, to find a solution that would put an end to the world’s problems.

In today’s scenario, a gender-specific job is no longer the case. There is a tight and strong competition between both genders. Women nowadays are seen at positions which was earlier seen to be only male-dominated. Moreover, recruiters state that men and women should work together. They say women can strengthen the team and make their bond stronger. Also, they assert that women are more focused and productive, and so they are more likely to be in leadership roles. There will not be any sport, any study, or any profession that has the involvement of only a particular gender. It is always men and women working together.

There is practically no role a woman cannot perform. The point of fact is that they can be seen in all walks of life. One just has to turn their head around to find a woman in leadership. It can be a mother, who works day and night to make sure the family is sound and the bond is well-knit, a nurse or a doctor who treat patients and ensures that they will win over the illness, or a teacher who try to ingrain the best teachings in the minds of students to make the future world a better place to dwell in.

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