The Impact Of Globalization In China Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Asia, Economics, World
đź“ŚWords: 729
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 03 June 2021

Kofi Annan once said, “It has been said that arguing against globalization is like arguing against the laws of gravity.” China’s air pollution has been negatively affected by globalization. Globalization is a process where many economies around the world can come together and become more connected. In a globalized economy, one country typically buys certain goods from other countries. Unfortunately, this has positive consequences along with negative consequences. China is an example of a country that has been negatively affected by globalization. 

In addition, China has a variety of widespread environmental issues; One of these issues is coal. China buys its coal mainly from Indonesia, Australia, and Russia. Consequently, coal has caused lethal air pollution in China. For instance, China consumes 2.5 billion tons of coal a year. One major city named Chongqing, in China has been affected by the coal in China. Chongqing is a major consumer of coal. Accordingly, globalization has caused these people in ChongQuing to breathe polluted air. Analytics from this city have said that this contaminated air can affect the growth of the next generation in that area. In total, Chongqing has 9 coal-based plants. These plants are some of China’s largest coal plants. Coal is mostly carbon. When this is burned, it reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide. Then it is released into the air; the carbon dioxide heats the air in an unhealthy way. Globalization has allowed China to produce and consume all of this coal. As a result, 1.6 million people die per year in China. A study concluded that industrial coal-burning leads to 86,500 deaths at coal power plants in China. Data has said that coal is the leading cause of air pollution in China.  China is also the leading consumer of coal in the world. Their consumption has been doubled since 1998. Coal isn’t the only product of globalization that affects China’s air pollution. However, Coal is the product that affects it the most in their largest cities.

Furthermore, Oil is another product that China gets due to globalization; Oil has affected their air pollution in a negative way. China buys its oil from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iraq, Angola, and Brazil. With this in mind, China consumes 12,791,553 barrels of oil as in 2016. They also produce 5.45 million BPD. Daqing has the largest oil field in China. In fact, they have an estimated 16,000 barrels of oil there. Daqing’s air mass index hit 999 on January 6th, 2020. All things considered, this is a very unhealthy Air mass index. On Average, oil production emits 10.3 grams of pollution. Oil has caused the city of Danqing to live a very unsafe lifestyle. In 2003, China was the 6th biggest producer of oil in the world and the 2nd largest consumer of oil in the world. Due to globalization, China is able to create this large amount of oil, and they are able to consume this large amount of oil. Air pollution can be made during any of the stages of making oil. Since China makes this much imagine how much pollution they create in a year. 

Moreover, Natural gas is another product from Globalization that has affected China. On this subject, they normally buy their natural gas from Russia. Beijing is the second-largest natural gas consumer in the world. In fact, in October 2020 Bejing consumed 173.54 billion cubic meters of natural gas. On Sunday, April 11th Bejing’s air quality wasn’t so good. Subsequently, natural gas mostly caused this. China is ranked number eight in the world as the leading natural gas producer. They only import 31% of their typical natural gas consumption. Major Cities in China such as Bejing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong have been affected the most by air pollution. In most power plants natural gas produces 50-60% less carbon dioxide than regular oil or coal plants. However, the combustion of natural gas releases methane and reduces air quality. Trade from globalization on natural gas from Russia has led China to this state. Air pollution has caused an estimated 49,000 deaths in Beijing and Shangai alone since January 1. 2020. If China doesn’t take action on their trading from Globalization, it could ruin their air quality permanently. 

In conclusion, Air pollution has left a negative impact on China due to globalization. Some imports from Globalization to China such as coal, oil, and natural gas have had an effect on China. Air pollution causes diseases such as cancer. Overall about 30.8 million people in China have died from air pollution. These big cities such as Chongquing, Daqing, and Bejing have been a major target from Air pollution. Globalization can strengthen a country, but it can also destroy one. “Globalization is incredibly efficient but also so far incredibly unjust”.

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