Essay Sample on Immigration in Canada

📌Category: Canada, Immigration, Social Issues, World
📌Words: 398
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 August 2022

According to Stats Canada, in the 2016 Census, 21.9% of the population in Canada is foreign-born. This fact implies that one in every five people living in Canada are immigrants. What makes Canada unique is its impressive diversity of the population. The topic of if Canada should accept immigrants is strongly debated, as well as how many immigrants should Canada accept. The Canadian government should invest in accepting more immigrants because of the economical benefits we receive from them including the jobs they create, the corresponding rise in taxes, services, and trade overseas, and the enrichment of culture, diversity, and population growth by the landmass. 

Immigrants substantially advance the economy through international students paying tuition and student spending, immigrants creating jobs, filling the gaps in our labour force, and supporting the ageing population. Immigrant students contribute a vast amount of money to the economy, contributing over 21 billion dollars per year. Moreover, the spending of these students amounts to more than Canada’s exports of auto parts, lumber, or aircraft. Students around the globe who immigrate to Canada for an education contribute diversity, through their culture, language, and ideas which promote innovation and develop important cross-cultural competencies. Employers in Canada are currently having trouble finding Canadian-born employees, which means without immigration, there would be a large gap in the labour force. There is currently a shortage of S.T.E.M. jobs in the world, there aren’t enough doctors, scientists, engineers, etc. Immigrants hold 42% of S.T.E.M. jobs in Canada, with at least a bachelor’s degree in their respective field. In 2016, there were over 600,000 hard-working self-employed immigrants who employed over 260,000 Canadians, adding up to over 860,000 jobs created through immigration in a single year. In a 2018 survey from the Canadian government, 9% of small business owners said they hired temporary immigrant workers to fill job vacancies in the previous 12-month period. Without immigration, young Canadians would end up paying more income tax per person to provide retired Canadians with the same benefits that are available today. International students contributing more than $21 billion through tuition and student spending show that immigration contributes hugely to the economy. 42% of S.T.E.M. jobs are held by immigrants with at least a bachelor’s degree. One of the world’s problems is a shortage of S.T.E.M. jobs, meaning without immigrants, there would be a lot fewer S.T.E.M. jobs in Canada. This shows how hard-working immigrants are and how willing immigrants are to fill in many job vacancies. Without immigration, young Canadians would end up paying more income tax per person. All the evidence in this paragraph is from the government of Canada.

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