Essay Sample on The United States Culture

📌Category: Culture, United States, World
📌Words: 948
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 21 July 2022

The United States of America (Abbreviated as USA, US, U.S, U.S.A, U.S. or U.S.A.) is one of the most popular countries and the most influential country in 2021. In this article, I will tell you some facts about its culture and maybe some you have probably never heard before (Websites used: and

The first fact that I will tell you all about is the sports they have invented. America has invented baseball, American football, softball, basketball, volleyball, water skiing, windsurfing, racquetball, snowboarding, skateboarding, lacrosse(The first sport in America), ultimate, American flag rugby, arena football, barrel racing, bowling pin shooting, cornhole, cowboy polo, cutting (sport), disc golf, downhill mountain biking, kart racing, eight ball, endurance riding, female bodybuilding, flag football, flying disc sports, four wall paddleball, fowling (sport),Frisbee, American hand ball, Hawaiian lava sledding, innertube water polo, kick ball, kelly pool, madison (cycling), mattball, motorcycle speed way, new comb ball, nine-ball, over-the-line, pickleball, quidditch (real-life sport),roller derby, racquet ball, scurry driving, shoot fighting, slamball, speed golf, speedball(American ball game), stacking (sport), squash tennis, stickball, stock car racing, street luge, Supermoto, synchronized racing, ten-pin bowling, tennis polo, three-cushion billiards, truck racing and wally ball (Websites used: Wikipedia, Delta – 13 and vimeo when it came to finding lacrosse and it being the first sport).

The second fact that I will tell you about the religions in this country. In 2020, 69.5% of people were Christian, 1% were Jewish, 1% were Muslim, 1% were Buddhist, 0.5% were Hindu, 0.2% were Unitarian/Universalist, 1% were other religions, 23% were unaffiliated and 2% didn’t know/ refused (Website used:

The third fact that I will tell you about is the universities that they have. US universities are considered the most esteemed universities in the world. Believe it or not there were 9 American universities in the list of the top 20 best universities in the world, in fact, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the best university in the world and is located in the US. Plenty of people study in universities in the US in fact about 19.6 million students attended Colleges and Universities in fall 2019. Students think that the US is the holy grail of higher education because the US has some of the most valued international universities, you can study any subject you can think of, you can be a part of some groundbreaking research and the campuses in US universities are appealing (Websites used:,, [Author: Staff Writer. Last update: December 14, 2021], nces.edgov and, [Author: Dana vioreannu]).

The fourth fact I will tell you about is the accents and dialects in American English. American English is forcibly divided into these dialects: New England, Mid-Atlantic, Southern, Midwest, Upper Midwest, West, Northwest, and California. The dialects and accents of American English are sometimes impacted by the speech roots of the area's earliest residents. People from Massachusetts or Pennsylvania, pronounce certain words as the British. Due to the strong influence of Germany and Eastern Europe, people in New York may sound rough. To non-Southerners, some Southerners sound similar but a resident can tell the difference between a mountain accent and one that comes from Virginia's Tidewater region. Some stuff from the British accent (Scottish "burr" and Irish "brogue"), Cherokee language, muttered French pronunciations, staccato Spanish, and African-American speech is taken by the Southern accent. In American English, the Midwestern accent is considered the most "perfect" of accents because it lacks an impressive deal of specific inflection and sounds "dull." The pronunciation of Upper Midwest English comes from the accent of people who first settled in Scandinavia. The southern inflections of the western accent of American English are mixed with the Midwestern accent of the settlers who travel long distances in the carriage. Pacific Northwest dwellings have Western accents, with accent influences from their Canadian neighbors in Alberta and British Columbia, right at the top of the border. Californians have less of a particular "accent" than the rest of the Americans but when they do it sounds more western. Southern Californians, like those raised in New York City, tend to speak quickly and include the current slang. American English is so primitive that it marks its users wherever they travel. Americans are easily recognized by many citizens of the world who have never been to the United States. Some people can even tell where an American lives by their accent. However, the dialect and accent of American English also form a barrier between speakers. Because of the way they speak, American citizens are often stereotyped. Since actors have unbearable accents, dialect coaches spend a lot of money to train actors to speak correctly. In addition, some Americans are considered uneducated by their compatriots because of their specific American English brand (Website used: Infobloom).

The last fact I will tell you about is the Chinatowns in the United States. A Chinatown is a cultural area for Chinese people outside of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, or Taiwan, and is usually located in an urban environment. The first Chinatowns in the United States were built on the West Coast in the 19th century. Many of these Chinatowns were built by overseas Chinese, and since then they have become Chinese cultural districts. Many of these Chinatowns were developed by Chinese expats in the 1800s and have been Chinese cultural districts since then. In 1875, new Chinatowns appeared in cities such as New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, because as Chinese immigrants began to move eastward, partly because of the labor demand of the Transcontinental Railroad. States that contain or contains a Chinatown or Chinatowns are Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington and Washington plus there's also a Chinatown in Washington D.C. But here is a fact, Washington D.C. is not state but it is the capital city of the United States (Website used: Wikipedia).

In conclusion, the United States of America has a large culture in fact it has plenty of cultures in it and in general its culture is very popular. After reading this article did you learn anything new after reading this article?

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